Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,199 days ago

DrupalCon North America 2021

event starts

12 Apr 2021

event ends

16 Apr 2021



Drupal is one of the largest open source projects in the world. DrupalCon presenters and attendees reflect our amazing community: end-users, translators, organizers, executives, marketers, editors, content strategists, designers, developers, and more.

Lending your voice will not only help drive Drupal’s continued evolution and success, but engaging in the program at DrupalCon can help you build a stronger network of professional contacts and friends from around the world. 

We have more room in our schedule for discussion, networking, and social events than we do low-interaction, presentation-based sessions. Please keep these things in mind when thinking about your proposal.

finished 1,257 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

10 Jan 2021

Call closes at 11:59 PM

16 Feb 2021

Call closes in Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-04:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Submission Guidelines

  • Sessions should share knowledge and enhance the community—rather than sell products or services.
  • Preference will be given to sessions that aren’t already available online.
  • We encourage longtime DrupalCon facilitators and presenters to lift as they climb by partnering with other community members- new facilitators and presenters are welcome!
  • To create well-rounded presentations with varied perspectives, we encourage session partnerships between service providers and clients and generally recommend that session facilitators and presenters represent different organizations.
  • The number of facilitators and presenters per session is limited. See information in the session types section below.
  • Manels (men-only panels) will not be accepted.
  • Facilitators and presenters may submit no more than two session proposals.
  • Accepted facilitators and presenters may participate in a maximum of two sessions, only one of which can be a solo session.
  • Facilitators and presenters are required to read and adhere to the DrupalCon Code of Conduct

How to Submit

  • Click the “submit your session” button.
  • Login/register with a social networking site or use a username and password. (Note: credentials will not work here.) If you choose to create a username and password, check your email for a message from “ ” and click the link to confirm your account.
  • If you click on the link in your confirmation email, it will take you to the submission site for DrupalCon North America. 
  • If you create a speaker profile from another link, you will access your overall speaker profile on the platform which will not allow you to submit your proposal. Please click the DrupalCon submission link and login with credentials to submit your session.
  • Enter session details. Click here to review the detailed submission questions. 
  • IMPORTANT: Enter the email addresses of co-facilitators and presenters at the bottom of the session submission page
  • Co-facilitators and presenters will receive an email from “DrupalCon North America 2021 ” inviting them to join the session as a speaker.
  • Once submitted, look for a confirmation email from “DrupalCon North America 2021 ”. Add this to your contacts as all communications will come from this address during the proposal process.
  • FINAL STEP: All facilitators and presenters must fill out the supplemental speaker questions at

How to update your speaker profile

  1. Go to your sessionize home page
  2. Under “My Upcoming Sessions”, click on the green “Details" button to the right of the DrupalCon North America 2021 event
  3. You will be directed to your submission page where you can find the session owner on the right side. Click the green “Edit Speaker” button to include further information about you and your submission.
  4. Please complete all of the requested categories on the right side under the "My Profile for DrupalCon North America 2021"
  5. Click the green “Save Changes” button at the bottom