Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 664 days ago

Flutter Forward Extended Nairobi

event date

1 Apr 2023


I-hub Nairobi, Kenya

Flutter Nairobi(Kenya) proudly presents Flutter Forward Extended. 

We know most of us did not make it in person; some were virtual. That is why we bring to you Flutter Forward extended.

We will cover recent updates in the dart SDK and the Flutter SDK. 

finished 681 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

07 Mar 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

14 Mar 2023

Call closes in E. Africa Standard Time (UTC+03:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Please submit for a Session (40 min), Lightning Talk (20 min) or Workshop (80 min)

Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting your talk to Flutter Forward Extended Nairobi  2023. We cannot guarantee that if you follow these suggestions your talk will be accepted, but you will have a much better chance:

1. Please ensure that your talk is geared toward updates and changes announced during flutter forward

2. Please ensure that your talk title and description match and that the title accurately reflects your topic

We all love a cute and catchy talk title with a nice play on words, but the program committee (and attendees, for that matter) should be able to tell at a glance what topic your session will cover. We also ask that you be aware of our code of conduct when choosing your title. 

3. Define key takeaways and learning points

You will help the committee select your topic if you can explain what you hope audience members will learn. Please try and include three to five key points that make your talk stand out from others. (This is important because we often receive 4-5 submissions on the same topic.) The more concrete (and relevant) these learning points are to the audience/conference, the better.

4. What is your experience level with the topic?

You don’t have to be a level 12 Black Belt in Dart to get your talk accepted. The committee does, however, need to know what your experience level with the topics is. Is the app or technology you are working on being deployed at scale? Is it a hobby or a side project? What are your real-world experiences with the topic?

5. Have you given this talk before?

Original talks that have NOT been given before are preferred. However...if you have given the talk before, let us know if you have updated it or if there are significant changes or updates since last giving the talk. 

6. Keywords

We have included a pre-defined list of keywords in the CFP tool. If none fit, please include relevant keywords in your talk submission text. This will help us find your talk using a search tool when we are looking for a particular topic or technology.