Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 814 days ago

GalaxyCon Columbus 2022

event starts

2 Dec 2022

event ends

4 Dec 2022


Greater Columbus Convention Center Columbus, Ohio, United States

GalaxyCon Columbus is More Than a Comic-Con! It’s a 3-Day FESTIVAL OF FANDOM with celebrities, artists, writers, voice actors, cosplayers, entertainers, creators, wrestlers, fan groups, panelists, and PEOPLE LIKE YOU!

Join fans from across the galaxy and celebrate Comic Books, Pop Culture, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Anime, Gaming, Cosplay, and more!

DATES: December 2-4, 2022 


Greater Columbus Convention Center
400 North High St
Columbus, OH 43215


PHONE: (954) 231-0574‬


Do you want to host a panel or workshop at GalaxyCon Columbus 2022? Share your love of fandom and help us make this the best  GalaxyCon ever! GalaxyCon features over 300 hours of programming, and we couldn't do it without the talented contributions of local fans. Fan panels are the heart of GalaxyCon.

Panels are discussions, lectures, show and tell or rants about any and all parts of fandom. Comic Books, Anime, Cosplay, Animation, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Steampunk, Video Games, etc… If you have a specialty and want to talk about it, an area of expertise in fandom and you want to share it with the con, we’d love for you to submit a panel for consideration. We appreciate all ideas, no matter how big or small, but if your panel has logistical needs, please indicate it completely on your form. We will try our best to accommodate your panel.

Please be aware this is a commitment you are making. So if you decide to submit a Panel Request form, please make sure that you CAN present the panel. Once we make the schedule, we are depending upon you to show up on time and run your panel. If anything happens and you can’t make your panel, notify us immediately. Also, if you’re not really comfortable speaking in front of people, then chairing a panel may not be for you. Remember, the normal length of a panel is an hour, so we’d like to stress the need for outgoing people with a good base of knowledge to draw from. You will receive ONE admission pass per panel. The main host listed on the form will only receive one admission ticket per panel, for the day of that panel. Groups with multiple members are encouraged to lead several panels in order to cover admission for more members. Raleigh Supercon is not responsible for any additional admission. Please submit all panels individually, not all of the panels on one submission form. 

1. Registration deadline is October 31, 2022. The earlier you submit your panel, the better chance you have of approval and a good time slot. No panels will be approved after that date. If you would like to host your own panel, it’s easy! Just fill out the form below and submit to us for consideration.

2. Preparation goes a long way. Be sure you complete your request form completely and accurately. Check to ensure that your topic is relevant, your descriptions accurately match your panel’s title and content, and show us that you have put a great deal of thought into your presentation.

3. Panels should reflect an aspect of the fandoms we represent. GalaxyCon Columbus does reserve the right to reject panels if we feel the material is not appropriate for our convention.

4. Make sure your panel is appropriate. We pride ourselves on being family friendly, which means that your panel is not demeaning, rude, embarrassing, or derogatory to anyone. 18+ panels are allowed, but you are responsible for checking IDs at the door. We do not allow “Truth or Dare” type panels or "Ask a Character" events due to the nature of the questions. 

5. GalaxyCon does not accept panels that require an admission fee. All of GalaxyCon panels are to be open to any and all registered attendees; attendees should only need their convention badge to attend a panel. A small materials only fee may be charged on a case by case basis that involve creating crafts. Prior to submitting a panel that might require the material fee please email prior to submission. 

6. Guest panels have priority. Because scheduling for these panels can be erratic and take up much of ‘prime-time’ programming between Noon and five pm on Saturday and Sunday, being flexible on your scheduling increases the chances we will find an acceptable time-slot for your panel.

7. Notify us at immediately of any changes or problems as soon as they arise.

8. It is the responsibility of the panelist to meet with the AV team at the convention at least an 20 minutes before their panel starts if they wish to use computers or other devices in their panel. Please note that GalaxyCon Columbus does NOT provide laptops in the panel rooms. We do provide speakers, projectors, and microphones upon request.

9. Be respectful to GalaxyCon Columbus staff, volunteers, and the other panelists.

10. Start on time and end on time. All panels should end in enough time for you to clean up and remove your materials so the next panel can start on time.

11. Be a registered attendee at GalaxyCon Columbus. For hosting a panel, the main host listed on the form will only receive one admission ticket per panel, for the day of that panel. Groups with multiple members are encouraged to lead several panels in order to cover admission for more members. GalaxyCon Columbus is not responsible for any additional admission.

12. GalaxyCon Columbus will notify all panelists if their panel has been accepted by October 31, 2022. Because of over scheduling, your panel may be canceled even after it has been approved. In that case, you will still receive an admission ticket for that day.

13. Every attempt will be made to ensure that the Panelist/s will be scheduled for their preferred day and time, and Raleigh Supercon will also attempt to avoid scheduling the Panelist/s for any major events that the Panelist may have an interest in attending, though no guarantees can be made. Make sure to note any event that you do not want to miss on the Panel Request Form.

14. GalaxyCon Columbus will provide AV support, within reason. Please note that laptops are NOT provided. We strongly encourage you to have a back-up plan because regardless of how well you or we plan.

Please email for any questions regarding panels.

finished 850 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

19 Oct 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

28 Oct 2022

Call closes in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-04:00) timezone.
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