Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 169 days ago

GopherCon Europe 2024: Winter Edition in Athens

event starts

6 Feb 2024

event ends

8 Feb 2024


Athens, Greece


GopherCon Europe is the annual European conference for the Go programming language. This year, we are excited to hold 2 events:

  • gceu24a in Athens on Feb 6-8 2024
  • gceu24b in Berlin on June 17-20 2024

This is the CFP for the first of the two: gceu24a in Athens on Feb 6-8 2024.
It closes on the end of Sunday Nov 19.

Our goal is to bring together Go developers from all over the world to share their knowledge, experiences, and ideas. We are looking for engaging and informative talks that cover a wide range of topics related to Go programming.

Never been? On our YouTube channel you can find all the talks from the past years.

About the conference schedule:

  • Tue Feb 6: Community Day, with lightning talks and roundtable discussions
  • Wed Feb 7: Workshops Day
  • Thu Feb 8: Talks Day

Other relevant dates:

  • Sat-Sun Feb 3-4: FOSDEM
  • The week following GCEU24a: GopherCon Israel (not final)

Some housekeeping notes:

  • While the event is hybrid, all the talks are in-person.
  • You are welcome to submit for both, however the same talk will definitely not be chosen for both conferences.
  • We follow the Go Code of Conduct. By joining us, you agree to do the same.
finished 249 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 1:00 AM

25 Oct 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

19 Nov 2023

Call closes in GTB Standard Time (UTC+02:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Our conference is focused on the Go programming language and we welcome proposals on a wide range of topics related to Go development. This includes, but is not limited to, best practices, case studies, libraries and frameworks, performance optimization, and interesting projects you have worked on, in your free time or at work.

The talks our audience enjoys the most are engaging, informative, and showcase the speaker’s expertise on the topic.

We encourage diversity in our speaker lineup and welcome proposals from people of all backgrounds and experience levels.

Please include a detailed outline of your presentation to help our review committee evaluate your talk.

About the sessions:

  • Full length talks are 20-25 min
  • Lightning talks are 5-7 min 
  • There is no Q&A in either
  • All talks are in English and in person
  • All the talks are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel, as every year
  • Beginner and advanced levels are welcome
  • First time speakers and professional speakers are welcome
  • No product pitches

We recommend reading Dave Cheney’s guide on how to write a successful conference proposal.


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers