DevFests are community-led, developer events hosted by GDG chapters around the globe focused on community building and learning about Google’s technologies. Each DevFest is inspired by and uniquely tailored to the needs of the developer community and region that hosts it.
GDG DevFest Ahmedabad brings together the world-class experts in Android, Web and Cloud technologies to Ahmedabad for sessions, workshops, and showcases.
Along with submitting CFP details, following information, if provided would be helpful to us in curating received proposals more effectively. Please share:
Previous talk(s) links/presentations
Session videos, if recorded!
Target Audience:
Most of our target audience will be IT professionals (Web/Mobile/Backend Developers / Designers / ML Engineers / Data Scientists / Entrepreneurs and Startup ecosystem enablers, etc.) with 0 to 20 years of experience. We would also welcome students and freshers only if they have hands-on knowledge of technology!
Session Format
Session Topics:
We will accept talks for our planned tracks, such as,
Web / AI ML / Cloud
Web Development, topics not limited to
AI ML, topics not limited to
Cloud topics not limited to
Android / Flutter Development
Android/Flutter Development, topics not limited to:
Start-up & Emerging Technologies
Start-up and Emerging Technologies, topics not limited to:
MOST IMPORTANT Expectations from CFPs this year
This year, we are looking for values and experience-based Talk proposals wherein you have implemented some practices in your product(s), and you have achieved some user growth, revenue growth, code scalability, generated funding, built MVP with solid principles and practices, etc.
This year we are not expecting talks on topics like Getting Started with Something or beginner level, which one can search over the web and find out quickly, like “Getting Started with flutter development,” “How to implement MVVM in Android”, “Getting started with JavaScript technologies”, etc.
DOs of CFP
Perks of being a speaker at #DevFestAhm