We are so honored that we will have the Azure Global Bootcamp in Version Number 6 at FHDW Bergisch-Gladbach. We will have some awesome Special guests, MVPS, RDs and some Special Diversity and Tech Slots for you!
Stay tuned and be a member of the Global Azure Bootcamp at Cologne, Germany! Be a Member of the Azure Cologne Meetup!
Das 6 Mal findet das Global Bootcamp nun auch in Köln mit uns statt. Alle Infos folgen in den nächsten Wochen. Wir suchen natürlich wieder Sponsoren und auch Sprecher!
3 Tracks
Sponsorenanfragen bitte an: raphael.koellner@rakoellner.com
We are looking for speakers for the GAB 2020 in Cologne. In particular, we are looking for speakers with practical experience reports about your projects. Please show us your hobby project or report about your job.