Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 425 days ago

Go Conference 2023 Online

event date

2 Jun 2023

finished 546 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Dec 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Jan 2023

Call closes in Tokyo Standard Time (UTC+09:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .


(English bellow)





  • Long session : 40分
  • Short Session : 20分
  • Lightning Talk : 5分
  • Challenge Session※ : 20分



  • Goでの登壇が初めての方
  • 日本語以外でGoの登壇をする方
  • Goに関連したプロジェクトに貢献した方





  • Goとの関連性 : Goコミュニティに関連したトピックにしてください。Go Conferenceは、Goのカンファレンスであり、参加者もGoに関するトピックを期待しています。
  • 明瞭性 : セッションの内容を明確に記載してください。
  • 正確性 : Goのエキスパートのようでなくても、過去の経験から正しいGoに関する知見を共有してください。
  • 達成可能性 : 時間以内にしっかり伝えられる内容にしてください。
  • インパクト: 参加者がセッションから何か新しいアイデア、技術、ツール、情報を得られるものにしてください






公開予定期間 : 2023/2/1~2023/2/7





----- English -----

We will send the result of CfP on 9th Mar by email you registered sessionize

Important notice on proposal submission

The number of proposal submissions per person is only one. 

Session types

We have two tracks(*) for talk sessions that includes the following types of sessions:

  • Long Session: 40 minutes time limit
  • Short Session: 20 minutes time limit
  • Lightning Talks: 5 minutes time limit
  • Challenge Session: 20 minutes time limit

Challenge Session is for those who:

  • give presentation about Go for the first time
  • talk about Go in other language. (eg. Japanese, English, and more)
  • contribute to projects related to the Go.

It doesn’t matter what you challenge or want to challenge. Please specify the reason for your challenge in Notes section. We will make a selection based on the contents of your talk proposal. Like we ask for the long/short session speakers, the topic of challenge sessions needs to be about Go.


Most of attendees’ primary language may be Japanese, but most of them can listen to understand English.

Selection criteria

Proposals will be reviewed based on the selection criteria as the followings.

  • Relevance: The talk is relevant to the Go community. Go Conference is not a general software conference, our audience wants to hear about topics that relate to the Go programming language.
  • Clarity: You’ve clearly explained what you are going to talk about.
  • Correctness: You’ve demonstrated knowledge of your topic. You don’t have to be an expert, but you are expected to be speaking from experience.
  • Achievability: You’ve thought about how to present your material in the time available.
  • Impact: The goal of the talk. What new idea, technique, tool, or information will the audience leave your presentation with?

Note: This clear selection criterion is based on GopherCon’s one. 

Sharing proposals

We will share your proposals on social medias et al. for the purpose of community engagement.

The reactions in Community are not count for proposal selections.

sharing schedule : 2023/2/1~2023/2/7


Do not write about how great the Go anymore.

Sessions for beginners are welcome.

Please don’t criticize other programming languages or give excessive product descriptions. Please talk about technical details.