DevFest (Developers Festival) Mauritius is a single-day, dual-track, inclusive conference for all developers using Google technology stack. It is an annual community-run event gathering developers and technology enthusiasts covering multiple product areas such as Android, Firebase, Android Things, Kotlin, Flutter, Google Cloud Platform, ARCore, Google Assistant, Design Sprint, IoT, Machine Learning, Mobile Web, Artificial intelligence and more.
Like previous years, DevFest will be held on one day, with two tracks of multiple sessions for all developers using Google technologies. Joining us for the event will be our fellow Google Developer Student Club (GDSCs), Women Techmakers (WTM) Ambassador, some local user groups and tech enthusiasts.
We are so thrilled to be able to host this year’s DevFest at the Middlesex University Mauritius.
We thank you all for your usual cooperation and we look forward to seeing you at the Google DevFest 2022!
We want Google technologies! Think Flutter, Kotlin, Golang, Kubernetes, Google Cloud, Android, TensorFlow, Big Query, Angular...
We are currently working on the logistics of the event! So, hang tight, we might have a good surprise for you!
Conference is free of charge