Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 155 days ago

Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2024 Poland

event date

23 Feb 2024



Global Power Platform Bootcamp - Organized Globally, Held Locally

This is a FREE online event, driven by User Groups and Communities around the world, for anyone who wants to learn more about the Microsoft Power Platform. In this full-day boot camp, we will deep-dive into Microsoft’s Power Platform stack with sessions delivered to you by practitioners, experts, and community leaders from all over The World.

finished 188 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

19 Nov 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

20 Jan 2024

Call closes in Central European Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Global Power Platform Bootcamp - Organized Globally, Held Locally

This is an online event designed to cater to a diverse audience with a wide range of interests and objectives. Our event is primarily targeted towards professionals, decision-makers, and enthusiasts who are passionate about Microsoft Power Platform, governance, and security in those areas. We also warmly welcome individuals who aspire to change their career paths, automate their business processes, or modernize their companies.

If your session fits the audience's requirements, we encourage you to submit it. 

Present your knowledge of the latest innovations across Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents, Power Pages, and Governance and Security. Include case studies, as they are particularly well-received. If you have experience in change management and the adoption of Power Platform, we encourage you to share your insights. Additionally, any advice on mental health or career changes for individuals working with the Power Platform is also welcome.

Sessions should take up to 40 minutes with an additional 5 minutes for Q&A.

Crafting a Compelling Session Proposal 🌟

• Carefully choose your session title to quickly grab attendees' attention and pique their curiosity. Feel free to add excitement while maintaining clarity, brevity, and allure.

• Clearly define the key insights participants will gain. What unique knowledge will they acquire? Use complete sentences, starting with phrases like "Discover insights into... learn... understand... uncover..."

• Demonstrate that your topic is tailored for a conference setting exclusively. If it's only suitable for a blog post, the program committee might reject it. Outline how you'll make this experience unique for attendees, fostering their active participation during the event.

• Before submitting, seek feedback from a friend outside your industry. While they may not understand technical jargon, their fresh perspective can be invaluable. This practice is also helpful for rehearsing your presentation.

• Remember, sessions are meant to educate, not serve as sales pitches. Prioritise content that provides value by addressing specific issues rather than focusing solely on product showcases.

• Inject your passion into your proposal. Communicate your enthusiasm for your chosen topic. Share your excitement, explain your motivation for the subject, and elaborate on its personal significance.

Session levels

Level 100: Beginner. Little or no expertise with topic and covers topic concepts, functions, features, and benefits.

Level 200: Intermediate. Minimum 100-level knowledge to provide a deeper view on the topic.

Level 300: Advanced. Minimum 200-level knowledge, in-depth understanding of the theme.

Level 400: Expert. Assumes a deep level of knowledge and experience and a detailed, thorough understanding of topic. Provides expert-to-expert interaction and coverage of specialized topics.

Please ensure that the session submitted is clearly in line with the level selected. We receive a lot of 100 – 200 sessions, if you have a level 300 – 400 then please submit this.

Why should you consider speaking at our conference?

Amplify your impact: Reach a diverse audience of professionals, enthusiasts, and decision-makers who are eager to learn from the best in the industry. Your insights and experiences can shape how they approach their work and drive positive change.

Enhance your reputation: By speaking at our Bootcamp, you will establish yourself as a thought leader and subject matter expert in the Microsoft Power Platform space. Participation will elevate your professional profile and open doors to exciting new opportunities.

Share your success stories: Showcase your innovative projects, successful deployments, and transformative outcomes. Inspire others with your achievements, strategies, and lessons learned, while empowering them to overcome challenges and achieve their own goals.

We want to hear from you if you have valuable insights, practical knowledge, or unique perspectives on the Microsoft Power Platform. Submit your session proposal today and take part in this outstanding conference. Together, let's drive innovation, empower professionals, and shape the future of the Power Platform ecosystem.

Ethical responsibility

The Global Power Platform Bootcamp PL team believes in the importance of a globally connected Power Platform community that advocates a diverse, inclusive, equal, and fair industry based on the values of excellence, mutual respect, freedom of speech, and progressiveness.

Therefore we do not tolerate any form of favoritism, hurtful language, discrimination, abuse, marginalization, or insulting behavior on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion, background, skin color, religious belief, sexuality, gender identity, socioeconomic class, caste, disability or age at or related to the conference and in the sessions. Please ensure that you are aware of these policies and behave accordingly.