Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,421 days ago

GroupBy Conference

event starts

27 Oct 2020

event ends

28 Oct 2020




GroupBy is data platform training by the community, for the community. View our website:

This year, we will we hosting GroupBy on two days, and plan to present two tracks of content each day. Session tracks will be announced closer to the event! 

On Tuesday, October 27 GroupBy Americas will present sessions at timeslots accessible for American timezones. 

On Wednesday, October 28 GroupBy Europe will present sessions at timeslots accessible for European timezones.

NOTE: Be sure to select the correct day when submitting your session! You can submit the same session to both days, but you will ONLY be allowed to present one session at GroupBy.

We welcome speakers submitting multiple sessions! We will only select your top-voted session to be presented, though.

Here's how GroupBy works:

  • Speakers submit session abstracts publicly online
  • Everybody votes for the abstracts they’d like to see most
  • When voting closes, the top speakers/abstracts are picked for each stream of content (Europe or the Americas)
  • Sessions are held online in an easy-to-watch platform
  • A live co-host helps the session go smoothly by posing questions from Q&A and Twitter, helping things run smoothly
  • Recordings are posted on our YouTube account
  • Speakers can’t present on back-to-back days
  • We encourage speakers to submit multiple sessions, but only their top-voted session will be selected.

Here is our current event timeline:

  • August 04, 2020 — Call for Speakers Opens
  • September 04, 2020 — Call for Speakers Closes
  • September 14, 2020 — Voting Opens
  • September 28, 2020 — Voting Closes
  • October 07, 2020 — Speakers Announced , Registration Opens
  • October 27, 2020 — GroupBy Americas
  • October 28, 2020 — GroupBy Europe
  • November 12, 2020 — Sessions Available On-Demand 

Have a question? Contact us at

finished 1,474 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

04 Aug 2020

Call closes at 11:59 PM

04 Sep 2020

Call closes in UTC (UTC+00:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

GroupBy is a free, community-driven online conference, and anyone can submit a session abstract! 

Those abstracts are then voted on, and the top-voted sessions are presented at a full-day webinar conference.

This year, Junior Speakers will be offered FREE support in building their sessions. If you are a Junior speaker looking for support, select "Junior Speaker" under "Session Format!"

Are you a Junior Speaker who wants help with your abstract submission? Email to be paired with a mentor!

Joining the Junior Speaker program will not impact session selection.

When submitting, make sure you select the day you want to present in your session submission under "Tags"! You can select GroupBy Americas and/or GroupBy Europe when submitting your session.

Here is our current Call for Speakers timeline:

  • August 04, 2020 — Call for Speakers Opens
  • September 04, 2020 — Call for Speakers Closes
  • October 07, 2020 — Speakers Announced , Registration Opens
  • October 27, 2020 — GroupBy Americas
  • October 28, 2020 — GroupBy Europe

Have a question? Contact us at

all submitted sessions

publicly listed on this page
161 submissions
Submitted sessions
Sam Nasr
  • Giving Sight to Applications
  • Data Time Travel with SQL Server Temporal Tables
  • Making Apps Listen and React with LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Service)
  • Storing and Searching Files in SQL Server Filetables
  • Tools and Procedures for Securing .Net Applications
  • SQL Server 2016 Security Features
  • Introduction to SQL Server JSON Functions
  • JavaScript Worker Procs, Communication, and Storage Features
  • Introduction to Azure Storage
  • Building Web Apps with Blazor
  • Advanced Features in Web APIs
Jason Horner
  • Azure Analytics Platform Quickstart
  • ARM Yourself: A beginners guide to using ARM Templates
Tom Martens
  • DAX - Fundamental Musings
  • Power BI Adoption
  • Power BI - The Admin Portal
Craig Porteous
  • DIY ETL with Power Automate, Azure Functions and more
  • Supercharge your Reporting Services: An essential toolkit
Amit Bansal
  • 6 Query Tuning Techniques That Will Solve 75% Of Your Performance Problems
  • Best Practices & Being Productive with Extended Events
  • SQL Server Internals & Architecture – vCurrent
Mohammad Darab
  • Level Up Your Career with Kubernetes
Halvar Trøyel Nerbø
  • From 0 to hero. Azure data factory CI/CD experiences
Ramesh Satya
  • Understanding NULLs in SQL Server
  • SQL Server Indexes - Back To The Basics
John Sterrett
  • Replay your Workload in the Cloud: Secret Weapon to a Successful Migration
Glenn Berry
  • Hardware 201: Selecting and Sizing Database Hardware for OLTP Performance
  • High Availability/Disaster Recovery 101
  • Building a Home Computer Lab
show all submissions
Garry Bargsley
  • Harness the power of PowerShell to manage your SQL Server environment
Edwin M Sarmiento
  • Getting Started with Linux for the SQL Server DBA
  • Leveraging Microsoft PowerShell for Managing SQL Server VMs on Amazon AWS
  • Building A Custom SQL Server On Containers Image For Deployment
Chris Woodruff
  • Entity Framework debugging using SQL Server: A Detective Story
  • Removing the SELECT * : Helping your App Developers and Yourself
Matthew Groves
  • Introduction to SQL++ for Big Data: Same Language, More Power
  • Querying NoSQL with SQL: HAVING Your JSON Cake and SELECTing it too
Erwin de Kreuk
  • Azure Key Vault, Azure Dev Ops and Data Factory how do these Azure Services work perfectly together!
Jean Joseph
  • Intro To Azure Synapse
Pablo Lozano
  • Using Query Store to fix plans & pains in your queries
Rodney C Burris
  • INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP 101: “Better People, better People: How my own personal self-development can he
Guy Royse
  • Dungeons, Dragons, and Graph Databases
  • Understanding Probabilistic Data Structures with 112,092 UFO Sightings
  • Mystery Machine Learning: Classifying Text with RNNs, Keras, and Scoob and the Gang
Ronen Ariely
  • Nondeterministic Elements, Tips and tricks
  • Spatial Data Type for the rescue! hierarchy, ranges, gaps and islands, and more
  • Choices, choices, choices: Using Unicode in 2020
  • Advanced data security (from 2016 to 2019 new features)
Harry Chandra
  • Getting Started with PowerShell for DBAs
Nathan Low
  • Agile Database Development and CI/CD with Azure, Azure Dev Ops, Flyway, and tSQLt
Emanuele Meazzo
  • The SQL Server Diagnostic (Jupyter) Book
  • How to use the Cloud for Data (and actually save money)
Corey Hambrick
  • AWS vs. Azure PaaS: What's The Difference For A DBA?
Josef Richberg
  • Near-time cubes in Azure SSAS
Jen McCown
  • The SQL Career Roadmap for Women (and Men!)
  • Everything You Wanted to Know About the Care and Feeding of SQL Server (but were afraid to ask)
  • T-SQL’s Hidden Support Feature (or, How I Learned to Love Code Comments)
  • Beginning T-SQL
Gethyn Ellis
  • Top 5 Skills a DBA will need in 2020
  • Pay less, get more, a guide to SQL Server Licensing
Dennes Torres
  • Advanced ETL with Power Query
  • PowerBI: From Zero to Hero
  • Data Factory and Power BI: Better Together
  • SQL Server in the Cloud: The available options
  • Why Synapse Analytics is beyond Azure SQL Datawarehouse
  • SQL Graph Databases: Beyond Relational
  • Self-Service ETL: The PowerBI Data Flows
Deepthi Goguri
  • Understanding the Statistics in SQL Server
  • Start thinking like the SQL Engine
Felipe Schneider Russi
  • Build your first Ci pipeline for DB with AzureDevOps
  • Azure automation as a SQL Agent
Ayon Roy
  • PySpark : Combining Machine Learning & Big Data
Daniel Suarez
  • HA and DR 101 in SQL Server
  • SQL Server Performance Tuning: where to start?
  • Managing SQL Server the easy way with dbatools
Gilbert Quevauvilliers
  • Introduction into Power BI Premium
  • What is Tabular Editor and how can it help me with Power BI?
Tom Burgin
  • Inheriting Disaster: Improving Your Database Estate While Keeping Your Sanity
Ninar Nuemah
  • Everyone can benefit from UX design thinking
Ron Dagdag
  • Developing Spidey Senses : Anomaly Detection for apps
  • Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus: both can code .NET in Jupyter
Ahmad Osama
  • Take me to the clouds above - The journey from on-prem SSIS to Azure Data Factory
  • Azure SQL Database Administration for the on-prem DBA
Shabnam Watson
  • Aggregations in Power BI
Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen
  • Model Your Data Like a Star in Power BI
  • Time Series Analysis in Power BI Desktop
  • Self-Service AI with Power BI
  • Introduction to Numeric Calculations in DAX
  • Do You Speak English? Localized Reports with Power BI
  • A Game of Hierarchies: Advanced Graph Algorithms in T-SQL
Warner Chaves
  • Global Analytics with Azure Cosmos Db and Synapse Analytics
Isabelle Van Campenhoudt
  • Monitor and Document your Power BI environment in Power BI with Power BI
  • Excel patterns in Power BI: From Excel hero to Power BI Champion
  • Self-Service BI: Barriers, Benefits, and Best Practices
Shane Welgama
  • The T-SQL Toolbox for Data Analytics
Kevin Wilkie
  • Even VIEWs can be sexy
  • The Function of Windowing Functions
Reitse Eskens
  • What they should have told me about being a DBA
Paul Andrew
  • A Complete Introduction to Azure Data Factory
  • Creating a Metadata Driven Orchestration Framework in Azure
  • An Architects Guide to Delivering Data Insights on the Microsoft Azure Data Platform
Deborah Melkin
  • A Practical Starter Guide to SQL Notebooks
  • Back to the Basics: T-SQL 101
  • Beyond the Basic SELECT
Anna Hoffman
  • SQL Server to Azure SQL: Availability
  • Azure SQL: What to use when
Aman Jain
  • How to validate your startup idea quickly
Drew Skwiers-Koballa
  • Jump Start Azure Data Studio extension development with the Extension Generator
Opemipo Disu
  • AI for Everyone
Magnus Ahlkvist
  • RBAR Bad. Sets good.
  • Statistics, an unreliable friend
Justin Swanhart
  • An examination of the WARP storage engine for MySQL
Damir Matešić
  • MS SQL New functions, syntaxes, tips & tricks
  • Historical data with MS SQL System-Versioned (Temporal) Tables
  • Advanced data types – JSON
Uwe Ricken
  • User Definied Functions – From SQL 2000 – SQL 2019
  • Simplify data management with partitioning
  • Introduction to partitioning
Benjamin Kettner
  • Using Azure Functions and durable Entities for data processing
Kevin Chant, Sander Stad
  • A full intro to Azure Devops projects in 60 minutes or less
Kevin Chant
  • Azure DevOps duet
Andy Yun
  • Uncovering Duplicate, Redundant, & Missing Indexes
  • How Intelligent Query Processing Improves T-SQL Performance
  • Advanced Plan Explorer Usage for Tuning Execution Plans
Javier Villegas
  • Monitoring and Troubleshooting SQL Server environments using Free community tools
  • Azure Data Platform
Maciej Rząsa
  • I can kill your browser with a simple regexp
  • Full text search inside-out
Prashant G Bhoyar
  • Applied AI Practical Use Case : Content Classification of Network drives
  • Introduction to AI and Cognitive Services for Developers and Information Workers
  • Building Intelligent Bots using Microsoft Bot Framework and Cognitive Services
  • Building No Code Chat-Bots using Power Virtual Agents
Gaston Cruz
  • Options to refresh our Tabular Models
Cláudio Silva
  • dbatools' recipes for Data Professionals
Kendra Little
  • Solve Tough Real-World Problems in Database DevOps
Ferenc Csonka
  • Power BI Paginated Reports: MORE than just SSRS vNext
  • XMLA Read-Write Endpoint: The Cornerstone for Power BI as an Enterprise BI solution
Eitan Blumin
  • SSDT Methodology & Features for SQL Server DevOps
  • Development Lifecycle Basics for DBAs
  • How to HADR Your SQL Jobs
Mike Byrd
  • How Bad Are Bad Page Splits?
  • Climbing the SQL Server Index B-Tree
Gianluca Sartori
  • Monitoring SQL Server without breaking the bank
  • Baking Extended Events recipes without breaking a sweat
  • Benchmarking in the cloud
Alexander Arvidsson
  • Building an Empire - Implementing Power BI Step by Step
  • Staring Into the Abyss - Azure Networking 101 for Azure SQL Server DBAs
  • Talking to Myself(?) - Lessons Learned From Presenting Online
  • The Untruthful Art - Five Ways of Misrepresenting Data
Nikola Ilic
  • From XL to S - Reduce your Power BI model size by 90%!
  • Magnificient 7 - Simple Tricks to boost your Power BI Development
Guy Glantser
  • Working with Very Large Tables Like a Pro in SQL Server 2019
  • The Complete Guide to Temporary Tables and Table Variables
  • SQL Server Setup Best Practices
  • Monitoring Page Splits in SQL Server
  • Modernizing Your Data Platform
  • Extended Events to the Rescue
Gonzalo Bissio
  • Azure Sql DB Managed instance, a different sql server?
Sanil Mhatre
  • Text Mining & Sentiment Analysis made easy
Pamela Mooney
  • Code Smells - How to Keep Your Code From Stinking!
Arun Sirpal
  • Introduction to Azure SQL DB for the DBA