Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 120 days ago

GSE UK November 2024

event starts

4 Nov 2024

event ends

7 Nov 2024


Whittlebury Park Towcester, United Kingdom

The GSE UK Region Conference is an annual event which takes place in November for three days, generally in the Midlands or a virtual event in the first half of the year. These events are organised by the GSE Conference Committee which is comprised of volunteers.

There are several keynote and plenary sessions and a large number of subject streams, each of which covers a specific area of interest. The majority of the streams are aligned to one of the regular working groups and the agenda for the stream is coordinated by the committee of that working group. In addition, there are several non-working group aligned streams and workshops organised by the central conference committee which also coordinates the overall conference agenda.

Where possible ideas and suggestions from participants attending the previous conference are used to form the agenda for the following year’s event. Topics may also be received from the various GSE Working Groups or may be based on announcements from IBM and other vendors.

The conference provides over 200 hours of technical training from IBM, other vendors and most importantly from GSE members themselves. At the in-person conference, plenty of time is set aside to allow for networking with speakers, vendors and delegates during breaks and the evening receptions and dinners.

Each year at the in-person conference there is a large conference exhibition with stands from many companies who build and sell solutions relevant to the membership. The income from this exhibition and associated sponsorship enables GSE to offer five free places plus one or more trainee places per member company. It also allows GSE to charge very reasonable rates to other delegates attending the conference.

GSE works with educational establishments to encourage students to attend, as everyone is acutely aware of the increasing skills shortage in the z/os industry. Students are offered free places. The conference includes a whole stream dedicated to people new to the platform.

finished 251 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 9:00 AM

15 May 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

28 Jun 2024

Call closes in GMT Daylight Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

It is a pleasure to invite you to submit a presentation(s) for the 2024 GSE UK In-Person Conference to be held on 4-7 November 2024. The conference will be in person at Whittlebury Hall, Towcester, UK. 

We will be looking to build on the success of the 2023 in-person Conference which was our largest event to date with over 600 delegates.

Important Dates

  • 15th May 2024 - Call for Papers Opens
  • 28th June 2024 - Call for Papers Close
  • 2nd August 2024 - Decision on Call for Papers Announced


Each presentation slot will be 45 minutes in duration and you will be expected to present in person.

Please be sure your submission focuses on educating and informing, not products specific to your company.

Other Information

Conference fees for all days but not hotel fees are waived for the primary speaker. Conference fees for all days, but not dinners and hotel accommodation, are waived for the primary speaker of each session. Other persons speaking in the same session will have to register and pay the GSE member delegate rate.

Before submitting your presentation(s) please ensure that the organisation funding your trip to the UK has approved the expenditure.

Delegate copies of your presentation must be sent to us in PDF format by 28th October 2024 for uploading to the GSE website. However, if you wish to use the self-service final paper submission via “My Speaker Profile” you can do this anytime you wish BEFORE your presentation at the conference.