Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 382 days ago

HashiConf 2023

event starts

10 Oct 2023

event ends

12 Oct 2023


San Francisco Marriott Marquis San Francisco, California, United States


HashiConf is our flagship conference where community members gather in-person and online to shape the future of cloud. Technical experts, platform teams and executives come together to share their insights and learn about the latest advances from HashiCorp through keynotes, hands-on labs, sessions, and make connections with community members from around the world.

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finished 414 days ago
Call for Proposals
Call opens at 12:00 AM

23 Jan 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

09 Sep 2023

Call closes in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal! HashiConf is focused on delivering highly technical content about our products, as well as customer implementation stories that show how HashiCorp products are being used in the field by our community, customers and partners.

We are looking for 30-minute sessions on technical and leadership tracks, with topics such as:

  • Cloud Maturity Models and corresponding business outcomes
  • Journey of migration to the public cloud
  • Heterogeneous infrastructure
  • (Zero trust) security
  • Compliance and risk management
  • Cost optimization
  • The skills shortage
  • Accelerating delivery of new applications and features
  • System reliability
  • Platform teams and platform engineering
  • Building a highly productive development culture & empathy

Additionally, we're looking for proposals for our community hallway track. The hallway track is a smaller in-person track featuring 15-minute sessions, aimed at conference attendees that are already attending to share their insights.

We are aiming to notify speakers by the end of July. If accepted, you will need to sign our Speaker Agreement. Sessions are live and delivered in-person. To help you be prepared for your session, you'll be assigned a HashiCorp Content Moderator for content development purposes. You will need to submit your final slide deck two weeks before the event. Note that we cannot guarantee co-speakers for every session.

HashiCorp is dedicated to providing an inclusive environment at our all events and part of that is ensuring that we are representing a diverse group of voices from our community. To help us in this regard, we'd like to ask you to answer some optional questions, if you are willing. If there is anything our team can do to make our events more accessible or inclusive, please let us know. 

If you would like help with your session proposal before submitting, please reach out and we will pair you with someone who can give you guidance and feedback.
We do not accept vendor sales pitches, PR-firm submissions or submissions on behalf of someone else.
This CFP is not public. We ask you to not share (the link to) this page. Feel free to share the Interest Form if you would like to invite others.

We understand that we do require you to invest a lot of time in delivering your session. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us.

event fee

free for speakers

Please contact us if you need assistance with travel or expenses.