Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 747 days ago

HashiTalks 2023

event starts

16 Feb 2023

event ends

17 Feb 2023



HashiTalks is a 24-hour, virtual event that follows the sun and is coordinated by the HashiCorp Community team. This is a live event with talks given by community members like you. 

The live event will be hosted on Thursday, February 16 beginning at 12:00 GMT / 4:00am PST.

finished 818 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Aug 2022

Call closes at 8:00 AM

08 Dec 2022

Call closes in UTC (UTC+00:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We are looking for unique use cases, technical talks, culture talks, and demos focused on HashiCorp tools and community. We welcome submissions from any skill level or background. Each confirmed speaker will have a 30-minute speaking slot during their time zone's business hours.

The CFS will close Wednesday, December 7 and we will send notices shortly thereafter.


If accepted and scheduling or internet are an issue, speakers are welcome to pre-record talks:

After HashiTalks 2023, the talks will be clipped by speaker and published to HashiCorp's Resources Library on YouTube for the global community to view. 


Read this community forum thread to learn why this is a great opportunity for speakers of all experience levels:


Do you have questions or feedback for us? Reach out to

More info: