Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 183 days ago

InfoSec Nashville 2024 (Call For Speakers & Workshops)

event starts

11 Sep 2024

event ends

12 Sep 2024


Music City Center Nashville, Tennessee, United States

The Music City Center in downtown Nashville will play host to the InfoSec Nashville Conference 2024 on a Wednesday and Thursday, September 11th and 12th, organized by ISSA Middle Tennessee. The conference will be held for the 23rd time this year! We are extending the conference to two days. A Capture the Flag Competition oriented toward security practitioners of all levels and Attendee Workshops focused on various Information Security topics will take place Wednesday Afternoon, with our traditional full day conference on Thursday.

For a full day of captivating speakers and networking opportunities, InfoSec Nashville brings together technologists and security experts, ranging from students to CISOs. Two keynote speakers, four tracks of breakout sessions, informal flash sessions, and a bustling exhibition floor are all featured during the conference. The cost of conference entry includes parking, lunch, and a cocktail reception with giveaways in the afternoon.

finished 281 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

26 Apr 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

05 Jun 2024

Call closes in Central Daylight Time (UTC-05:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

The conference theme for this year's InfoSec Nashville conference is "Cybersecurity Crossroads: Securing the Intersection of Innovation and Tradition".

Our attendees will range from cybersecurity students, new professionals, experienced cyber experts, and seasoned information security executives. Presentations descriptions should highlight target audiences, expected learning objectives, and be security product agnostic.

Factors that will improve the chance of your proposal being selected include:

  • Submission of your proposal online before the deadline. EARLY SUBMISSION IS ENCOURAGED!
  • Your proposal has a unique angle on the topic of interest.
  • The session description clearly states the learning outcomes.
  • The content provides practical advice and takeaways (case studies are highly encouraged).
  • Speakers and content that address industry-specific topics and issues and provide inclusive, unique, and diverse perspectives and experiences.

Please Note:

  • If you choose a Panel Discussion, you must enter your co-speaker's email address so they can submit their information for consideration.
  • ISSA Middle TN does not cover travel or accommodation costs for speakers, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing with ISSA Middle TN.

Speaker Code of Conduct

Middle Tennessee ISSA is a professional organization made up of professionals and students of the information security field. By accepting an invitation to sponsor and/or speak at an ISSA Middle Tennessee event, you are expected to adhere to generally accepted professionalism when interacting with our members and guests. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure none of our members or their companies are offended or embarrassed in any manner.

As a speaker or sponsor, you agree to the following:

  1. We treat all members and guests with respect and dignity – harassment will not be tolerated;
  2. We conduct ourselves in a professional and ethical manner so as neither to offend nor bring discredit to our self;
  3. Sponsors and speakers should not use offensive images or offensive language;
  4. Speakers shall refrain from using examples in their speech referencing specific companies in a negative light.
  5. Perform all professional activities and duties in accordance with all applicable laws and the highest ethical principles;
  6. Promote generally accepted information security current best practices and standards;
  7. Maintain appropriate confidentiality of proprietary or otherwise sensitive information encountered in the course of professional activities;
  8. Discharge professional responsibilities with diligence and honesty;
  9. Refrain from any activities which might constitute a conflict of interest or otherwise damage the reputation of or is detrimental to employers, the information security profession, or the Association; and
  10. Not intentionally injure or impugn the professional reputation or practice of colleagues, clients, or employers.
  11. Speakers are allowed to provide information about their services and products; however, please ensure the presentation is mainly focused on providing value around information security and compliance topics;
  12. If you have questions or concerns about a ISSA member, guest, speaker, or sponsor please reach out to an ISSA board member, or email

event fee

free for speakers