JetBrains GameDev Days is a free, live, virtual event where community speakers cover topics they are passionate about.
Submit a talk and share your experience! We welcome all topics as long as they’re relevant to the gamedev tech community. We aim to bring valuable technical gamedev content mixed with speakers’ experiences with specific tools and technologies. We’d appreciate some link to or mention of a JetBrains product, but your talk doesn’t have to be focused on it.
Submit a talk and share your experience!
What type of talks are you looking for?
We welcome topics that are relevant to the wider gamedev community. We’d appreciate some link to or mention of a JetBrains product, but your talk doesn’t have to be focused on it.
Some topics we’re always interested in:
To give you an idea, here are some talks from 2022 that were a hit:
Not sure if your talk idea is a good fit? Reach out to and we can discuss.
We look forward to your talk submissions!
I want to use {JetBrains tool}
We have free trials available that you can download. In addition, all accepted speakers get a 1 year Personal All Products Pack subscription on us.
Do you have any other tips?
We receive many submissions and only have a limited series of slots. As such, please consider the following tips when submitting your talks, which can work in your favour.
Talk Title - We go through all talks independently of the title, but there’s no denying that a catchy and interesting title plays favourably. At the same time, make sure that the title aligns with your abstract.
Abstract - Make it concise and to the point, but don’t make it too concise. An abstract that is just 2 sentences, will most likely stand little chance of getting accepted. We don’t expect you to write an essay but please try and provide information on what you’ll be covering in your talk and what the key learning points / takeaways will be for the audience. If you’re submitting a topic that may be popular, try and find an angle that would distinguish yours from others.
Try to refrain from "don't use this code in a real application" talks. Illustrate how something could be used in a production code base, and what the audience should know to be successful with a technology.
Level - Please try and accurately define the level of your talk.
Session Length - Sessions are 30, 45 or 60 minutes long, followed by QA (which is optional)