Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 395 days ago

JetBrains .NET Day Online 2023

event date

26 Sep 2023



JetBrains .NET Day Online is a free, live, virtual event where community speakers cover topics they are passionate about, ranging from deep technical .NET content and speakers’ experiences with specific tools and technologies, to personal development.

Submit a talk and share your experience! We welcome all topics that would be relevant to the wider .NET community. We'd appreciate some link to a JetBrains product (not necessarily product focused, maybe just use it for demos).

finished 501 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

04 May 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

11 Jun 2023

Call closes in Romance Daylight Time (UTC+02:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Submit a talk and share your experience!


  • Talks are in English
  • Talks are presented live
  • Talks are 30, 45 or 60 minutes, followed by 5-10 minutes of Q&A (optional)
  • Talks are scheduled during office hours, according to your time zone
  • Talks are presented live, and recorded and published on YouTube, and are shared in our newsletters, blogs, ...
  • You can show slides, do live demos, ... — whatever you think works best for your content!
  • All accepted speakers get a 1 year Personal All Products Pack subscription on us
  • We are happy to help with dry-runs, talk feedback, and smoothing out demos as part of preparation if you get selected
  • Please make sure you read and adhere to the Code of Conduct prior to submitting.

What type of talks are you looking for?

We welcome all topics that would be relevant to the wider .NET community. We'd appreciate some link to a JetBrains product (not necessarily product focused, maybe just use it for demos).

Some areas we're always interested in:

  • Architecture, clean code, patterns, DDD, defensive coding, ...
  • F#, Fable, SAFE Stack, functional programming, ...
  • Performance tuning, memory management, profiling, debugging, concurrency, benchmarking, logging, OpenTelemetry, ...
  • Language-related! C#, F#, VB.NET, source generators, ...
  • ASP.NET Core, Blazor, OpenAPI, gRPC, ...
  • Avalonia, Uno Platform, cross-platform .NET, ...
  • Databases, Entity Framework, Dapper, ...
  • Testing and all of its flavours
  • Anything that does not fit the list above, but is related to software development and developer life in general

To give you an idea, here are some talks from previous years that worked well:

  • Immutable Collections in .NET
  • Refactoring to Patterns with ReSharper
  • Deep Dive into Async Streams
  • Formatting F# Code
  • Learning F# by Designing Your Own Language
  • TDD and The Terminator – An Introduction to Test-Driven Development
  • Better Object Mapping in .NET with Dapper
  • Building a Fantasy Game Console with C#, MonoGame, and Rider

Not sure if your talk idea will fit? Reach out to and we can discuss!

We’re looking forward to your talk submissions!

I want to use {JetBrains tool} in my talk but I don't have a license. Can you help?

We have free trials available that you can download. In addition, all accepted speakers get a 1 year Personal All Products Pack subscription on us.

Do you have any other tips?

We receive many submissions and only have a limited series of slots. As such, please consider the following tips when submitting your talks, which can work in your favour.

Talk Title - We go through all talks independently of the title, but there’s no denying that a catchy and interesting title plays favourably. At the same time, make sure that the title aligns with your abstract.

Abstract - Make it concise and to the point, but don’t make it too concise. An abstract that is just 2 sentences, will most likely stand little chance of getting accepted. We don’t expect you to write an essay but please try and provide information on what you’ll be covering in your talk and what the key learning points / takeaways will be for the audience. If you’re submitting a topic that may be popular, try and find an angle that would distinguish yours from others.

Try to refrain from "don't use this code in a real application" talks. Illustrate how something could be used in a production code base, and what the audience should know to be successful with a technology.

Level - Please try and accurately define the level of your talk.

Session Length - Sessions are 30, 45 or 60 minutes long, followed by QA (which is optional)