Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 712 days ago

JSTalks Bulgaria 2022

event starts

11 Nov 2022

event ends

12 Nov 2022


Sofia, Bulgaria


js.talks("Bulgaria"); is a community event that will take place on Friday and Saturday, November 18-29, 2022 for the eight time in Bulgaria.

This call for speakers is for the free community days (18-19 of November, 2022)

The conference will be hosted at the Sofia Event Center. Stay in touch with the latest news - social links and contacts are below. Follow the buzz using #jstalks.

Various levels of sessions with different target groups and featuring some of the experts in the field. Join professionals and enthusiasts, learn something new and do some networking.

Our goals: 

  • 30 sessions in 5 tracks
  • 2500 registrations
  • 1700 attendees.

This is a completely free community event!

Become a speaker! Submit your session:

finished 876 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

09 Dec 2021

Call closes at 12:00 AM

01 Jun 2022

Call closes in FLE Daylight Time (UTC+03:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

JSTalks team will evaluate the sessions.
JsTalks team has no commitment to send explanation if session is not approved.

For the approved foreign speakers who travel we will be able to arrange a hotel with a room mate. 
This is a free event and we can cover only the hotel .

Speakers should agree: 

  • to use the conference presentation template
  • to not make marketing presentations, related to a specific company during the presentation.

all submitted sessions

publicly listed on this page


expenses covered
25 submissions
Submitted sessions
Mihail Mateev, Martin Chaov
  • Modern JS Concepts in Industry [Panel]
Jivko Petiov
  • 20 Deadly Anti-patterns in JS Development
Pete Parkhomenko
  • Designers/Developers - Stuck Together
Radi Atanassov
  • Fun with JavaScript Interop in ASP.NET Blazor Applications
Ivan Vlaevski
  • Data Analysis with Relative Base of Truth
Georgi Parlakov
  • Observables in Plain terms
Tsvetan Himchev
  • Enterprise client architecture with angular micro frontends for scalable applications
Rosen Petkov
  • Building a Design System
Sam Aleksov
  • Let there be light: rfx-Art-Net
Alex Yochev
  • JS with GitHub Copilot and Codespaces
show all submissions
Ilia Idakiev
  • Mastering Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS)
Martin Toshev
  • [WORKSHOP] Mastering the ELK (Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana) stack
Векослав Стефановски
  • Functional Programming for mere mortals
  • Who are you? OIDC Authentication - the good, the bad and the ugly
Radoslav Stankov
  • How to be effective JavaScript Developer
Martin Chaov
  • Lessons learned: WebSockets
  • [WORKSHOP] Designing software with volatility based decomposition
Aleksandar Cheshmedzhiev, Tihomira Parichkova
  • Boosting PWA with Micro Frontends
Nikolay Nikolov
  • The core web rendering strategies explained
Stanka Bozalieva
  • UX/UI Design as part of the product development cycle
Plamen Zdravkov
  • Introduction of Nuxt 3 and what's so cool about it!
Ognyan Chikov
  • Create, compile, deploy Solidity Smart Contracts using Javascript/Typescript
Mihail Mateev
  • Building Automated Flows using Power Automate and Office Scripts
  • Creating O365 Office Scripts with TypeScript in a Nutshell
  • Cosmos DB Server-Side Programming with TypeScript