Kubernetes Community Days Taipei 2025 (KCD Taipei 2025) 是基於 Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) 理念 "讓雲端原生計算無所不在" 所舉辦的活動,旨在促進 Kubernetes 社群在臺灣的發展與交流。本活動將邀請國內外 Kubernetes 及 CNCF 相關領域專家、開發者和使用者,分享最新的技術發展和實踐經驗,探討 Kubernetes 及 CNCF 相關專案在企業應用中的最佳實踐和解決方案。同時,本活動也將提供豐富的交流和學習機會,讓參與者能夠深入了解 CNCF 眾多專案技術和社群,並與同好們建立更緊密的聯繫和合作關係。
Kubernetes Community Days Taipei 2025 (KCD Taipei 2025) is an event based on the concept of Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) -- "Make cloud native computing ubiquitous", aiming to promote the development and exchange of Kubernetes community in Taiwan. This event will invite experts, developers and users in Kubernetes and CNCF related fields from home and abroad to share the latest technology development and practical experience, and explore the best practices and solutions for Kubernetes and CNCF related projects in enterprise applications. At the same time, this event will also provide rich networking and learning opportunities for participants to gain a deeper understanding of CNCF's many project technologies and communities, and to build closer ties and partnerships with their peers.
徵求提案: KCD Taipei 2025 現已開放!
KCD Taipei 是雲端原生愛好者的盛會,我們邀請您與社群分享您的見解、經驗與最佳實務。無論您是業界專家或是剛開始雲端原生之旅,這都是您啟發並與同業交流的機會。如果您有引人注目的技術趨勢、實際案例研究或創新想法要分享,現在就是提交提案的好時機!
徵稿主題 (包含但不限於):
一旦提交,即表示您同意 CNCF 的行為準則。
Call for Paper: KCD Taipei 2025 is Now Open!
KCD Taipei is the premier gathering for cloud-native enthusiasts, and we invite you to share your insights, experiences, and best practices with the community. Whether you’re an industry expert or just starting your cloud-native journey, this is your chance to inspire and engage with fellow practitioners. If you have compelling technical trends, real-world case studies, or innovative ideas to share, now is the time to submit your proposal!
Session Topics
Call for Papers – Topics (including but not limited to):
Some conditions must be adhered to; please avoid the following content:
Code Of Conduct
By submitting, you agree to the CNCF Code of Conduct.
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