Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 106 days ago

KCD Texas 2024

event date

12 Apr 2024


Palmer Events Center Austin, Texas, United States


KCD Texas is an event organized by the Cloud Native Computing Foudation (CNCF) that aims to bring together the Kubernetes community in Texas for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration. 

We will offer hands-on workshops, and interactive sessions where attendees can gain practical experience by working on Kubernetes-related projects under the guidance of experienced mentors. This allows participants to depend their understanding of Kubernetes concepts and gain confidence in implementing them in their own environments.

finished 169 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

12 Dec 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

08 Feb 2024

Call closes in Central America Standard Time (UTC-06:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We invite you to participate in this exceptional event by sharing your expertise and passion with the community. We seek engaging and insightful presentations covering a broad range of topics related to Kubernetes, cloud native, and the broader technology ecosystem. Whether you have hands-on experience, a new research breakthrough, or an inspiring vision for the future of Kubernetes, we want to hear from you!

Suggested Topics (but not limited to):

  • Software Delivery
  • Observability
  • Open Source Ecosystem
  • Platform Engineering
  • Service Mesh
  • Kubernetes in Production on the Edge
  • Machine Learning
  • Container Networking (CNI)
  • Kubernetes Batch Workloads
  • ML Infrastructure
  • Wasm and Kubernetes
  • Serverless


  • CFP Opens: Tuesday, 12 December
  • CFP Closes: Thursday, 8 February at 11:59pm Central Standard Time (UTC-6)
  • CFP Notifications: Thursday, 15 February
  • Schedule Announced: Wednesday, 21 February
  • Event Date: Friday 12 April


By submitting, you agree to the CNCF Code of Conduct.


Please review The Linux Foundation's Inclusive Speaker Orientation and Inclusive Language Initiative.

Question about submitting a proposal? Contact us at