Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 631 days ago

KCDC 2023

event starts

21 Jun 2023

event ends

23 Jun 2023


Kansas City, Missouri, United States


Link to the 2024 CFP Here....

Do you have great ideas or unique experiences that you want to share? If you do, then we want to hear from you!

The Kansas City Developer Conference looks to offer sessions covering topics across the entire spectrum of software design, development, and delivery. Whatever your passion may be, if it relates to technology professionals, then we could have a spot for you at the conference.

Coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have held two in-person events. Over 1000 people attended in 2021, increased to over 1700 people this past August. Our hope and expectation is to move back toward 2000+ participants in June 2023. Now entering our fifteenth year, we are one of the premier community-driven software conferences around.


The Kansas City Developer Conference is an in-person event held at the Kansas City Convention Center. In 2023, we are returning to our traditional setup with pre-conference workshops followed by two days of sessions. The schedule is as follows:

Wed., June 21st, 2023 – Pre-Conference Workshops

Thurs., June 22nd, 2023 – Conference Day

Fri., June 23rd, 2023 – Conference Day


We accept submissions for one-hour standard breakout sessions, as well as for 4-hour and 8-hour hands-on workshops.

To maximize the likelihood of your selection to present at KCDC 2023, please keep the following important information in mind:

  • Speakers are often asked to present two talks during the event, but only rarely more than that.

  • We look for speakers with a passion for teaching their areas of expertise. To that end, while not a hard-and-fast rule, we encourage you to be more specialists than generalists in your submissions.

  • For both of these reasons, if you only submit a single abstract to us, your chances of being selected will be greatly reduced.


Presenters at KCDC 2023 can look forward to the following benefits:

  • Conference Pass: All accepted speakers receive a complimentary three-day pass to KCDC 2023, including access to the June 21 workshop day. The pass is not transferable to any other attendee.

  • Lodging: KCDC will pay for TWO NIGHTS at the Hilton President or the Hotel Kansas City, our two official conference hotels, both of which are nearby the conference venue. Speakers presenting a half-day or full-day workshop will receive coverage for a third night at the hotel. You are welcome to extend your stay for additional days at our rate.

  • Speaker Dinner: All speakers are invited and encouraged to attend a VIP dinner full of awesome Kansas City BBQ—as well as quality vegetarian options—on the evening of Wednesday, June 21, 2023. This special event offers a great opportunity to network and visit with your peers from around the globe. Don’t miss it!

  • And More: All of this is in addition to KCDC's overall world-renowned, legendary speaker hospitality. You need something? We'll do our best to have you covered. We can promise you that for the duration of your stay in Kansas City, day or night, you'll have a great time and will never be bored.

** Following speaker selection, we will circulate an information form. Based on each individual's responses, we will be happy to reserve your KCDC ticket, book your hotel reservation, and manage certain other logistics on your behalf to streamline your participation.

We can't wait to hear from you and see your submissions!

Please check out our Code of Conduct before submitting.

finished 784 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 9:00 AM

08 Dec 2022

Call closes at 10:00 PM

20 Jan 2023

Call closes in Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We accept submissions for one-hour standard breakout sessions, as well as for 4-hour and 8-hour hands-on workshops.

To maximize the likelihood of your selection to present at KCDC 2023, please keep the following important information in mind:

Speakers are often asked to present two talks during the event.

We look for speakers with a passion for teaching their areas of expertise. To that end, while not a hard-and-fast rule, we encourage you to be more specialists than generalists in your submissions.

For both of these reasons, if you only submit a single abstract to us, your chances of being selected will be greatly reduced.


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

Session speakers receive TWO nights accommodation. Pre-conference workshop instructors receive three nights.