Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 153 days ago

KotlinConf 2024

event starts

22 May 2024

event ends

24 May 2024


Copenhagen, Denmark


KotlinConf is an official conference by JetBrains. It is devoted to the Kotlin programming language and is the place for the community to gather and discuss all things Kotlin. It is in its fifth year, with the first four events having sold out.

KotlinConf 2024 will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on May 22–24, with the conference itself taking place on the 23rd and 24th and a day of workshops on the 22nd.

Submit a talk and share your experience, whether it's about finding innovative ways to use Kotlin, challenges you've faced, a framework you've created, or anything you feel could help others on their Kotlin journey.

finished 324 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

07 Sep 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

04 Dec 2023

Call closes in Romance Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

You’re welcome to submit any Kotlin-related talk that you think will be interesting for the attendees. Here are some topics that we expect will engage their attention:

Server side, web, desktop, mobile, IoT, scripting, data science, frameworks and libraries, functional programming, concurrent programming, case studies, coroutines, meta-programming, and deeper language features.

When it comes to platforms, we would really like a good mix of everything, including the JVM, Android, JavaScript, and Native. Multiplatform apps you’ve put into production or useful libraries make for good topics, as well.

We receive many submissions and only have a limited number of slots. Please consider the following tips when submitting your talks.

Title – We review each talk in its entirety, but there’s no denying that a catchy title is a plus. At the same time, make sure that the title is accurate and consistent with your abstract – and the content of your talk, of course.

Abstract – Keep it concise and to the point, aiming for 200 to 400 words. Make sure that your abstract accurately describes what you’ll be covering in your talk and what the key takeaways will be for the audience.

If you’re going to discuss a popular topic, try to find an angle that distinguishes your talk from others. For instance, using Kotlin with Spring might be a popular topic, so it’s important for us to understand how your specific approach is unique.

While this applies to all talks, it is even more relevant for case studies, also a crowded field. If you’d like to present a case study, make sure to highlight its key aspects in your abstract, and try to include specific numbers and metrics in your talk.

Level – Try to accurately define the level of your talk. Keep in mind that if your talk focuses on the language itself, it will be more likely to interest most attendees if it is not intro-level.

Session length – Full sessions are 45 minutes long, including a Q&A session (which is optional). Lightning talks are 15 minutes long. Please note that we only cover travel and accommodation for full sessions but not for lightning talks.

Please make sure you read and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct prior to submitting.


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

IMPORTANT NOTES: If you have co-speakers, travel and accommodation will only be covered for one of you. The conference fee does not include workshops. Travel and accommodation expenses are covered ONLY for full-length sessions, not lightning talks.