The LCM (Life Cycle Management) conference series is one of the world’s leading forums for environmental, economic and social sustainability. The focus is on practical solutions for the implementation of life cycle approaches into strategic and operational decision-making, whether in science, industry, NGOs or public institutions. It takes place every second year, each time organized by a leading research institution and industry in the domain.
Participate in the Call for Sessions for LCM 2023, and contribute to shaping the content and the focus of the conference!
You are invited to submit a session proposal. Please feel free to suggest your own session in a theme as proposed below, which are defined by the Organisation Committee, or a theme of your choice:
The session proposal should include the title, a description of max. 1000 characters, keywords, the preferred session format, the name and affiliation of the chair (referred to as “speaker” in the submission form), and optionally of the co-chair (“co-speaker” in the submission form).
The submitted sessions are subject to review by the Organisation Committee, who may suggest modifications (merging with other sessions, an adaptation of scope or title, etc.).
Each session will have two co-chairs: one person from the industry and one from academia. The suggestion of a co-chair is optional at this stage and can be finalized during the session review process.
Session co-chairs will be invited to join the Scientific Committee, which is responsible for the review and selection of abstracts.
If you experience any technical problems during the submission of your session, please contact the LCM organizers by email ( or by phone (+33 9 81 85 76 82).
By submitting the session you agree that personal data shown on this page is shared with the organizer of LCM 2023. The organizer may share or use (part or all of) your session and personal data publicly as (but not limited to) a part of an event schedule.