Call for Speakers

in 198 days

MCTTP Munich Cyber Tactics, Techniques und Procedures 2025

event starts

18 Sep 2025

event ends

19 Sep 2025


Die Macherei Munich Munich, Germany


Cyber-attacks have evolved from a rivalry between IT-nerds to Cybercrime, operations of State Agencies and Cyberterrorism. Now it's up to us to save the world from darkness!

MCTTP 2025, now in its third year, is an international conference  for all who are responsible to protect organizations in the war against cyber threats.

The agenda consists of two tracks.
In the offensive track we are looking for talks focusing on current or upcoming threats to companies. We expect to see technical oriented talks in this track.

In the corporate defense track, we are looking for talks that will help CISOs to fulfil their duty in protecting their organizations or help Cyber Security Experts to better understand the nature of the threat they are facing. Your talk can lean more into the technical site or focus on human, legal and organizational matters.

Your target audience will be Cyber Security Experts and CISOs working in the field every day.
The talk slots are 40 minutes. All proposals received before April 15th, 2025, 23:59 CEST will be taken into consideration by the programme committee.

We offer to cover €750 for flights within Europe or $1,800 USD for international flights or travel. Plus, two nights of accommodation, food & beverages and some evening fun for conference speakers.
Please do get in touch if you have several speakers for your session.

General Guidelines for your application:

  • Multiple entries are welcome, but please limit them to no more than three submissions per submitter.
  • Submissions must be made by one of the proposed presenters; we do not accept proposals submitted on behalf of others.
  • No product or company pitches!

Call for Training

If you wish to apply & submit to do a training on 17. September, apart from the conference , please get in toucn directly with your suggested topic and brief outline by dropping an email to

open, 43 days left
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

18 Dec 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

15 Apr 2025

Call closes in W. Europe Daylight Time (UTC+02:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

CfP submissions must include the following information

  • Brief biography including list of publications and papers published previously
  • Contact Information (full name, Twitter handle, e-mail, postal address, phone)
  • Employment and / or affiliations information
  • Proposed presentation title & synopsis / description
  • Why is your material different, innovative, or significant? Which takeaways will your talk provide for the audience?
  • Be concise but include as much detail as is necessary to convey your idea.
  • Has this talk been given anywhere else? If so, where? Please provide a link to your previous talk. Will you add new material to this talk for MCTTP?

By agreeing to speak at MCTTP you are granting Vogel IT Akademie the rights to reproduce, distribute, advertise and show your presentation including but not limited to our website, printed and/or electronic advertisements, and all other media.
Further, by submitting your you confirm to are available on both conference days until approval.

Just use the form and be mindful of our submission requirements.

Program Commitee

  • Florian Oelmaier: CTO of IS4IT and an expert for digital sovereignty and the attacks of state sponsored actors and organized crime
  • Florian Hansemann: CEO of Hansesecure, well known redteamer and with his account @Cyberwarship one of Germany’s most popular security experts on Twitter
  • Dr. Marc Maisch: Lawyer and specialist attorney for IT law, data protection and cybercrime

Call for Training
If you wish to apply & submit to do a training apart from the conference on 17. September, please get in toucn directly with your suggested topic and brief outline by dropping an email to


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

We offer to cover €750 for flights / travel within Europe or $1,800 for international flights / travel. Plus, two nights of accommodation during the conference are covered. All expenses regarding ticket for the event, catering plus dinner and entertainment are covered as well.

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