Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 2,242 days ago

Music City Tech 2018

event starts

31 May 2018

event ends

2 Jun 2018


Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Music City Tech is a three-day event consisting of simultaneous conferences, each focused on a particular community of technology professionals. The event kicks off on Thursday with interactive workshops, followed by two days of seminars, panel discussions, open spaces, lightning talks, and the Geek Jam Attendee Party where attendees participate in the Music City experience.

The Music City Code conference caters to developers and touches on all aspects of software and website development.

The Music City Agile conference brings together agile thought leaders, coaches, and trainers to share their valuable experiences and learn to leverage agile principles in their workplace.

The Music City Data conference focuses on big data trends, modern data management, self-service business intelligence, and machine learning.

finished 2,334 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

10 Jan 2018

Call closes at 11:59 PM

01 Mar 2018

Call closes in Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .


Experienced speakers understand that giving a presentation or running a workshop requires extensive preparation and unpaid time, but they do it because the benefits are well worth the effort.

Free Admission

Receive a complimentary all-access pass to the entire event, including admission to sessions and social events for all three conferences.

Complimentary Lodging

One of the most popular perks for speakers has been the opportunity to stay on campus. It's no five-star hotel, but the speakers and crew have a blast winding down from a busy day with a drink in the dormitory courtyard.

VIP Dinner

What do you get when you combine savory food, strong drinks, and brilliant minds? That would be the annual VIP Dinner, where you’ll have an opportunity to hang out with other speakers and select industry leaders. This would also be an excellent time to abuse the open bar tab…unless your presentation is the first thing the next morning.

VIP Treatment

We take pretty good care of our attendees by feeding and watering them, but that’s nothing compared to the legendary hospitality we shower on our speakers. After all, you have more important things to worry about than finding a snack or drink.

The Music City Experience

Need an excuse to visit Nashville, TN? Our staff of trained monkeys would be happy to write a note to your employer explaining the benefits of sending you to speak on their behalf. Those same monkeys have excellent suggestions for entertainment and cuisine while you’re in town. They are amazingly intelligent monkeys. Regardless of whether you’re visiting or a local, the Music City Experience is about more than tourist attractions. Bring your favorite instrument or borrow one of ours to rock out with Geek Jam Band karaoke.

Personal and Professional

Last, but certainly not least, is the professional recognition and personal development that comes with being a conference speaker. While these benefits can be more difficult to measure, they are usually the most valuable in the long run.


Save the Date (5/31-6/2) Sessions will take place on Friday, June 1st and Saturday, June 2nd, so clear your calendar for those days at a minimum. If you’re interested in presenting or attending workshops, those will be held prior to the main event on Thursday, May 31st.

Craft Your Submission

You’ll need a catchy title, compelling abstract and a short bio to let us know who you are. For guidelines and tips for getting your submission accepted, check out the guidelines below.

Submit Your Idea

Don’t let procrastination ruin your chance to get picked. We’ll be accepting submissions through March 1st, but the review process has already begun. It takes time to consider each entry and sometimes our selection committee has questions, so getting your idea in early is a great way to ensure it has the best chance possible.

Talk About It

Share your submission idea. Let others know what you’re proposing and encourage them to submit as well. The more buzz our selection committee sees about a topic, the more convinced they will be that attendees will be interested. Of course, we also just really appreciate y’all helping to get the word out. We’ll even write the tweet for you so all you have to do is click here.

Watch Your Email

You never know when the selection committee might need to contact you for clarification or to get more information about your proposal. We promise not to keep you waiting long and will begin notifying selected speakers in mid-March. Selections will be finalized and the schedule announced by April.


Here’s some advice on crafting your submission:

1. Spend time coming up with a good title

First impressions are everything for your work. The best way to make an impression is to craft an excellent title. For this, there needs to be a balance between hooking your reader in and giving a snippet of your talk. It needs to have pop that will give your reader a reason to read your abstract, but it shouldn’t just be catchy. The heading should also be informative, giving substance to your hook. In essence, your title should be visually stimulating to your reader.

2. Pitch the benefits of your session in the abstract

Use your abstract as the sales pitch to why the community should vote for your session. They are asking themselves, “Is this talk beneficial to me? How can it help me move forward in my own endeavors?” In this preview to your work, give them the reason why your talk will be beneficial to them and how it can help them in achieving their goals. Answer your colleagues’ questions in the abstract but do not give them all of your secrets. Leave them with the feeling of wanting more by only hitting the high notes of your talk. By conference time, they will be ready for your entire pitch.

3. Specify who the session is for exactly

Who is your projected audience? That is what you need to ask yourself when crafting your abstract. Is it for new coders or more experienced? Designers, Developers, or Managers? From there, tailor your abstract to fit one or two of these groups.

4. Tell your audience exactly what they will receive during your hour

Again, attendees are always asking themselves what they can benefit from your talk. They also like to hear certain things that can help their business. Be upfront with them and tell them what they can gain. Is it just an hour of your knowledge or will you be providing them with additional resources, libraries, or slide decks?

all submitted sessions

publicly listed on this page


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

Speakers are provided complimentary on-campus housing. Additional travel assistance may be requested in submission notes, but are not guaranteed.

569 submissions
Submitted sessions
David Neal
  • Captivate and Entertain with Simple Illustrations
  • Node.js Crash Course
  • Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Electron Workshop
  • Leadership Guide for the Reluctant Leader
  • Public Speaking without Barfing on Your Shoes
Rob Richardson
  • Docker and Kubernetes
  • Docker Hands-On
  • Kubernetes Test Drive
  • Docker is more than just Kernel Virtualization
  • JavaScript Tests in Node, the Browser, and CI
  • Git Scenarios: How Do I Fix That?
  • Post jQuery
  • Serverless Architecture in Azure
Scott Hanselman
  • MCC Opening Keynote with Scott Hanselman
Matthew Renze
  • MCD Opening Keynote with Matthew Renze
  • The Mindful Developer: The Science of Stress Management
  • Deep Learning: The Future of AI
Linda Rising
  • MCA Opening Keynote with Linda Rising
Sarah Sexton
  • A Whirlwind Tour of Recurrent Neural Networks
Phil Japikse
  • Develop an ASP.NET Core Web Application Hands On Lab
  • Develop an EF Core Data Access Layer Hands On Lab
  • Leaders Are Made, Not Born
  • SOLID Design Patterns for Mere Mortals
  • What's New in C# 7.1
  • ASP.NET Core 2 For Mere Mortals
  • 10 Software Design Patterns for Everyday Life
  • Develop an ASP.NET Core 2 and EF Core 2 App in a Day HOL
  • Entity Framework Core 2 For Mere Mortals
  • Agile: You Keep Using That Word...
  • Visualizing the Backlog with User Story Mapping
  • Unit Testing for Mere Mortals
  • Workshop - Applied Agile Workshop
  • JavaScript for the C# (and Java) Developer
Jeffrey Strauss
  • Starting Over
  • Intellectual Property Fundamentals for the Technologist
  • What You Need to Know About Open Source—Trust Me, I'm a Lawyer
  • JavaScript Futures—ES2018 and Beyond
Gwendolyn Faraday
  • Why Vue.js is Taking Over the Front-end World
  • Building and Deploying Applications on AWS with the Serverless Framework
Spencer Schneidenbach
  • Using Immutable Data Structures in C# and .NET
  • Deconstructing TypeScript’s Type System
  • Using C# Expression Trees in the Real World
show all submissions
Lyndsey Padget
  • Angular2+ Reactive Forms
  • Moment.js is dead, long live Luxon!
  • Badass 101
  • Push it (Push it Real Good)
David Walker
  • The Complete ASP.NET/.NET Core MVC/.NET Core Razor Pages Story
  • Hard-Core .NET Core and the new Standard in .NET Development
  • You Serve Your Masters Well
Jeffrey Palermo
  • DevOps: The Domain Model of Continuous Delivery
Ian Lee
  • Using Azure IoT Services & PowerBI to Monitor Robot Telemetry
  • Catapulting Yourself Into Windows IoT Core
John Callaway
  • .NET Core on a Raspberry Pi Cluster with Docker and OpenFaaS John Callaway
Walt Ritscher
  • You won’t believe what’s hidden in your data. How visualization transforms how you see information
Joseph Guadagno
  • Improve Application Debugging with IntelliTrace
  • Look into your Application with Azure Application Insights
  • Debugging Tips and Tricks with Visual Studio
  • Introduction to ASP.NET Core
  • Typescript for the Microsoft Developer
  • Build Native Application with JavaScript and React Native
  • Build Native Application with JavaScript and Ionic
Paul Everitt
  • Productive Python testing with pytest
  • Visual Python Debugging...With Games
  • Python 1994
Tim Radney
  • An Introduction to Azure Managed Instances
  • Understanding SQL Server Backup and Restore
  • Common SQL Server Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
  • Azure SQL Database for the Production DBA
Jeremy Clark
  • Get Func-y: Understanding Delegates in .NET
  • Awesome C#: Asynchronous Programming
  • Abstract Art: Getting Abstraction "Just Right"
  • Design Patterns: Not Just for Architects
  • IEnumerable, ISaveable, IDontGetIt: Understanding .NET Interfaces
Jared Faris
  • Uh, So I'm A Manager... Now What?
  • Where The Web Is Going
  • Progressive Web Apps Are Not Optional
Gregory Beamer
  • Micro front ends: How to screw up your company for fun and profit
  • Think Outside the Box: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
  • Building a Fully Operation Death Star in 2 Weeks, and other impossible tasks
Bryan Nehl
  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Introduction to GraphQL with Javascript
  • Introduction to Extreme Programming
  • Introduction to Data Visualization with D3.js
Kay Harper
  • The Odd Couple - Managers, Scrum Master/Team Coaches - Sharing Space in Organizations
Hunter Loftis
  • Neural Networks 101
  • Painting with Photons
  • Making Sense of Multiplayer Games
Jonathan "J." Tower
  • Using a REST API to Build a Chat Bot with Azure Bot Framework
  • ASP.NET Core's Built-in Dependency Injection Framework
  • Doing Dependency Injection in Azure Functions
  • Building Better REST APIs in ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core
  • .NET Standard: Reuse All the Code!
  • BYOL: Bring Your Own Language to the Browser with WebAssembly, C#, and Blazor
Andrew Griffin
  • REST, Test, Repeat
Kris Sellers
  • Agile Emotions: The Twilight Zone
Thomas Haver
  • The Automation Firehose: Be Strategic and Tactical
  • Example Mapping: The New Three Amigos
  • Develop Yourself and Uplift Others
  • Cucumber 3.0 and Beyond
  • Microsoft Edge Test Automation: painful like Internet Explorer, but not in the same way
  • The Science of Testing
  • Transform Your Organization with an Enterprise Automation Program
  • Effective Gherkin: Quality Requirements for the Enterprise
Faye Thompson
  • Cultivating Space for Learning
  • It's All In Our Heads: Using Neuroscience to Build Stronger Teams
  • Yes, You CAN Let Your Teams Self-Organize!
Jandee Richards
  • GCP Cloud Patterns, keep your data out of the gutter.
  • Three Cloud Mafia
DeNisha Malone
  • You've got the Power!
  • "Once upon a time, there was a dataset..."
Kevin Kline
  • How to Become the Most Important IT Person in the Room
  • Microsoft SQL Server Internals & Architecture
  • Ten Techniques Every SQL Server Database Developer Should Know
Nicholas McNutt, Troyer Zane Anthony
  • Determining Causation from Time Series Data
Grayson Adkins
  • The Future of Cloud is Crowd
Troyer Zane Anthony
  • Communication in Data Science: The Goldilocks Principle
Steve Brownlee
  • Psych!
Joe Kuemerle
  • What's The Worst That Can Happen?
  • Secure Application Design and Development With Threat Modeling
  • Is your API leaking? Breaking APIs to increase security.
  • Defense Against The Dark Arts: Application security and you
  • Keeping Secrets: Using Encryption Effectively
Fred Frost
  • Is this weird? Anomaly Detection in Performance Monitoring
Heather Thacker
  • Philosophy of Frameworks
  • Gender and Javascript
Taylor Krusen
  • If You Build It Will They Come?
  • Taming Javascript: Understanding Asynchronous Code
  • What's All The Fuss About Serverless?
  • Writing Simple End-To-End Tests That Don't Suck
Stephen Bohlen
  • Taming Dependency Chaos with Inversion of Control Containers
  • Exploring the Actor Model for Concurrent Systems using Akka.NET
  • AI for the Masses: Democratizing Access to AI with Microsoft Cognitive Services
  • Patterns for Building a Chatbot that doesn’t Suck
  • Refactoring to a S.O.L.I.D. Foundation
Sneha Fotedar
  • From Loose Groups to Effective Teams
Faye Thompson, Charles Husemann
  • Bad Agile Metrics & Where to Find Them
Jeff Butler
  • Practical Functional Java
  • Intermediate Kotlin: Working Effectively with Legacy Java
  • Introduction to Kotlin: Is this the Future of JVM Development?
Sarala Pandey
  • Maturing the Enterprise Quality Practice
Mike Clement
  • Put the Tests before the Code
  • Software Craftsmanship and Agile Code Games
  • Play to Learn!: Agile Games with Cards and Dice
  • Taming scary production code that nobody wants to touch
  • Maps over Backlogs: User Story Mapping to share the Big Picture
  • Develop your Sense of Code Smell
Joe Webb
  • Get the Right People on the Bus
  • The auditors are coming! Let's WOW them.
Fahed Sider
  • Break the Wall Between Testers (QA) and Developers
Sarah Withee
  • Learning DevOps as a Developer
  • Maintaining Your Mental and Emotional Health While Job Hunting
  • A Primer on Functional Programming
  • Intro to Hacking with the Raspberry Pi
Linda Groszyk
  • Breaking the Social Code: How to be Socially Intelligent at Work
Kate Williams-Spradlin, Anonymized By Request
  • How We Got Up and Running with Azure Service Fabric
Elijah Manor
  • Using npm scripts as your build tool
  • React Patterns and Practices
  • Growing Developers
  • CSS for Developers
Keith Elder
  • Productivity: How to get things done in this digital age
  • Building A Highly Scalable Service that Survived A Super Bowl
David Giard
  • Building and Training your own Custom Image Recognition AI
  • How Cloud Computing Empowers a Data Scientist
Tonya Cooper
  • Tools and Strategies for Consuming 3rd Party Web APIs
  • Testing the Endpoints of Your REST APIs
  • Give Pair Programming a Chance
Chad Beier
  • Agile Metrics: Why We Need Them
  • Organizational Agility Is Changing...Forever
Chad Beier, Jeff Bubolz
  • Organizational Structure: The Rock On Which Agility Is Built
Adam Barney
  • Writing testable code (even if you don't test it)
  • Advanced basics: the SOLID principals
  • Learn the Basics: Inversion of Control (IoC)
  • ASP.NET Core for the ASP.NET 4.x developer
  • Keeping up with C#
John Wright
  • Mocking .NET Without Hurting Its Feelings
Shawn Wildermuth
  • Versioning APIs with ASP.NET Core
  • Enhancing Web Pages with VueJS: When You Don’t Need a full SPA
  • What's New in Bootstrap 4?
Patrick Seda
  • The API of Your Company Culture
  • Enhancing Vuex for Complex Application State with Vue.js
Rich Visotcky
  • Where is the management in Scrum?
Ryan Tuck
  • Teach an Analyst to Fish: How to Create a Collaborative Data Culture
Jeff Bubolz, Jeff Maleski
  • The Power of Pairing
Shikha Sharma
  • 6 Technology Trends to Define Customer Experience in 2020
Ondrej Balas
  • Building a Blockchain
  • Open Source Game Development in the .NET Ecosystem
Jeremy Meiss
  • Adventures in Community Building
Tim Roberts
  • Dr Iterate or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Higher-Order Functions
  • Stateless React: Functional Reactive Programming using React's Context API
Baskar Rao Dandlamudi
  • Transform EDI with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos
Louis Davidson
  • Relational Database Design Fundamentals
Brad Miller
  • Next Level Leadership
Eric Tuttle
  • Securing Client and User data with OAUTH
Matt Gordon
  • Data To Impress Those That Sign The Checks - Azure Logic Apps, Social Media, and Sentiment Analysis
  • Where Should My Data Live (and Why)?
Chris Young
  • Continuous Everything – Build, Test, Deploy, Engage, Repeat
  • Don't fear API change, embrace it: NSwag and Nuget to version client access
  • Get into the fastlane: Simplifying the process of releasing iOS and Android apps
Jenny Tarwater, Laura Richardson
  • Priorities, not Politics! A Collaborative Approach to Portfolio Management Prioritization
Branden Schwartz, Erica Swift
  • The Highs and Woes of Innovation with C++, Python, and C#
Cassandra Faris
  • Becoming an Effective Interviewer
  • Get Out of Your Lane!
  • (Not So) Accidental Personal Branding
Jenny Tarwater, Laura M. Powers
  • Never Would I Ever! Examining Your Agile Non-negotiables
Anthony Sciamanna, Nick Goede
  • Scaling the Pair Programming Learning Curve with Ping Pong Pair Programming
Nathan Loding
  • Empathy, chemotherapy, development: A journey
  • CSS-in-JS? What?! Why?!?!
  • Real World React from the Ground Up
Guy Royse
  • jQuery & 10,000 Global Functions - Working with Legacy JavaScript
  • Machine Learning for Fun: Finding Bigfoot
  • Machine Learning for Gamers - Dungeon Forecasts & Dragon Regressions
Sydney Johnson, Vicki Riehl
  • I Kanban, Kan You?
Steve Barman
  • Reprogram Your Environment: Programming with ADHD
Curtis Blackthorne
  • So you've got a build server. Now what?
  • A Guide To Being a Better Mentor
  • How to host your application in the Azure sky
  • Making DevOps your PB&J
Lynn Wolfgram
  • Lean QA with an Agile Mindset
  • Start Giving Feedback Now
  • Communication - Break down the wall
Tammy Gretz, Wendy Jacobs
  • From Self Obsession to Self Selection: A Scaled Org's Journey to Value Reorganization
Paul Gower
  • Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Improving Quality with DevOps
  • Bigger Profits with Kanban
  • How to use a Headless CMS with Nuxt.js
Wendy Jacobs
  • The Dirty Dozen: 12 Product Ownership Behaviors that are Killing your Product
Wendy Jacobs, Tammy Lawlor
  • Product Visioning and Design Thinking Workshop (Part 1 & 2)
Kim Arnett 
  • Level Up Your Dev Game
  • A Swift Intro to iOS
va barbosa
  • Want to Improve User Experience? Go Offline First!
  • Jupyter + PixieDust ≈ Magic
Jason Follas
  • Lost Money and Weird Stuff: An Exploration of Bitcoin Blockchain
  • Lightweight Pub/Sub for Web Applications using MQTT
  • Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency: How Does It Work?
Shruti Sharma
  • Panel: How Ingram is Growing a Comprehensive Data Solutions Team In-House.
Daniel Oliver
  • Azure Functions - Serverless Services
  • An Introduction to Server Configuration and Provisioning with Ansible
  • DSLs for Fun and Profit
Evan Lancaster
  • From Yard Sofas To Goose Poop: Classifying Property Code Violations Using NLP
Jimmy Bogard
  • NServiceBus Crash Course
  • Continuous Delivery in Azure - Beyond Right-Click-Deploy
  • From SQL to Azure Cosmos DB
  • Containers - What Are They Good For?
Pat Viafore
  • Practical Computer Science: What You Need To Know Without the Degree
  • Build Your Own Development Community in Your Workplace
Branden Schwartz
  • The Challenge of the Voodoo Monkey: Surviving as a Developer in Corporate Realspace
Chris DeMars
  • Believe in the Power of CSS
  • Hacking the Human Perception
  • Focusing on Focus
  • Building Accessible Components with Razor
Toshi Gupta
  • One code to rule them all
Tyler Blake
  • NativeScript 101: A Quick Swim Not A Deep Dive
Jon Fazzaro
  • We Don't Type for a Living: Plural Programming Practices for Productivity and Profit
Scott Connerly
  • Not Nearly Frightened Enough: Modern Threat Modeling
  • Fly-by-Wire: Running a Dev Team You've Never Met
  • Growing a Product Team from Bootstrap to Enterprise
  • The Two Question Code Quiz: How to Interview Programmers Effectively
Andrew Malek
  • Why Nobody Fills Out My Forms Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
  • Why Nobody Fills Out My Forms
  • Icons Behaving Badly
Ben Ilegbodu
  • Let’s web dev like it’s 1999!
  • There’s a Web API for that!
  • features that’ll make ya 💃🕺🏾
  • The async future is here!
  • “Minimally-painful” React-Redux testing Workshop
  • React FUNdamentals Workshop
  • “Minimally-painful” UI testing in React
  • Navigating the React Solar System
Robert Anstett
  • Automating Entity Framework Code First Model Generation
Steven Hicks
  • Building Quality JavaScript With Test-Driven Development
  • Unit Testing Your React App
  • Maximize Professional Growth By Doing Scary Things
  • Code Is Communication
Robert Pieper
  • Common Challenges to Agile Transformations & Solutions you can use
  • Financing Agile Delivery with Forecasts
Paula Paul
  • Everything I need to know about API security, I learned from Monty Python
Don (Denny) DenUyl
  • Enterprise technology adoption
  • Building highly scalable distributed systems
  • Finding the right developers
Michael Wallace, Mark Bradley
  • Get it Right the First Time - The First 90 Days With a New Team
Frank Moley
  • Understanding Java Cryptography
  • Introduction to Spring
  • DevSecOps: Building a culture of Security
Alex Mang
  • Designing microservices on Azure
  • Visual Studio + Docker + Sprinkles of Azure = Modern Microservices
  • How Far Can ‘Serverless’ Actually Go?
  • Everyone Loves Docker Containers Before They Understand Docker Containers
Brent Stewart
  • IoT for the .NET Dev
  • Computer Vision: Don't turn a blind eye to the future
  • Breaking down the blockchain
Chris Woodruff
  • Developing ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web APIs for your Web and Mobile Apps
  • Developing ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC Apps for International Users
  • What’s new in Entity Framework Core 2.0?
Sonia Mundra
  • Blockchain Strategic Initiatives
Joe Morgan
  • Visual Playgrounds: Unlock the Potential of SVGs
  • Planning > Refactoring: Contemporary Front-End Architecture
  • Burn It Down and Start Again: Principles of Modern JavaScript
  • Career Development Anti-Patterns
  • Unbreakable. Perfect: The Craft of Code
Paul Sheriff
  • Introduction to CSS and CSS 3
  • Introduction to HTML / HTML 5
  • Build a Reusable Angular Configuration Management System
  • Build a Reusable Angular Logging System
  • Message Handling in Angular
  • From Zero to Angular
  • Apply Angular Techniques to jQuery Applications
  • Validating Data in Angular
Prateek Singh
  • Basketball, Baseball, Football and Agile Teams
  • Coaching Wilt Chamberlain: Behavioural Economics and a Learning Culture
William Gant
  • How to survive whiteboard interviews
  • Now you stepped in it. Surviving brown field development
  • Ten ways you are destroying developer motivation
  • Do you really need a dynamic website?
Olivia Liddell
  • Becoming an Effective Mentor
  • Overcoming Your Fear of Failure
Jamie Wright
  • Building a Realtime Websocket API in Phoenix
  • Introducing Juvet: Building Bots in Elixir
Kevin Boles
  • Unit Testing SQL Server
  • Common TSQL Mistakes
  • SQL Server 2016 (SP1) ROCKS!!
  • Know What Your Code is Doing to SQL Server!
Ann Epperson
  • Drawing Toast with a Product Owner Twist! Using a fun drawing game to define a common language
Alex Blom
  • Hybrid Apps from a Ember/Vue/React PWA with corber
Jonathan Creamer
  • Why would you NOT use TypeScript?
Angela Henry
  • Data Types Do Matter
  • What is Power BI?
Alicia McLain
  • Confidence vs Ego - The role empathy plays in organizational transformation
Suri Surinder
  • CTR Factor Leadership
Kyle Morton
  • Business Value Eating Zombies Killed My Agile Transformation
David Baumgold
  • React-MailMerge: Server-Side React on Lambda
Rizchel Dayao
  • Deploy Your React Application While Saving Time and Energy
Jared Rhodes
  • Alternative Device Interfaces and Machine Learning
  • Configure, Control, and Manage IoT with Mobile
  • Enable IoT with Edge Computing and Machine Learning
  • Virtual Reality and IoT – Interacting with the changing world
Chris Lorenzo
  • Performance Optimizations for Progressive Web Apps
  • Web Components for Micro Services and IoT
  • Hiring Engaged Engineers
  • Decoupling with Google Polymer
  • Intro to Web Components
Bill Dinger
  • Continuous Integration and Delivery on a Budget
  • Get-Tips | Sort-Object -property Useful | select-object -first 60
  • .NET CLI : Pop your way into the Common Intermediate Language
  • Introduction to Asynchronous Code in .NET
  • Unit Testing Strategies & Patterns in C#
  • OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities & ASP.NET
James Bender
  • Building REST API of Your Dreams
  • "JavaScript" Is Not A Dirty Word
  • Yes, You Can Write Angular and React Applications in Visual Studio!
  • Write Better JavaScript with TDD
  • I Promise to Give You a Callback if You’ll Just Await: Working with Asynchronous JavaScript
Chase Aucoin
  • Neural Networks: Where do I start?!?
  • Satellite Communication Made Easy
  • Blockchain: Will it help my business?
  • The Microservice Manifesto
Bryan Soltis
  • Too much junk in the trunk? Try the new Azure Server-less Computing Diet!
  • Microservice-Powered Applications - It worked for Voltron, it can work for you!
  • Automate your life with Azure Logic Apps
Jamie Wright, Don Miller
  • Can't We All Just Get Along : The Building of an iOS application with a Ruby API
Rick Culpepper
  • On The Road To DevOps Before DevOps Was Cool
John Riviello, Chris Lorenzo
  • Introduction to Web Components & Polymer
Pashmeen Mistry
  • Introduction to Product Management & Design Thinking
Duane Newman
  • Putting the Fun in Func with Lambdas & LINQ
  • Hands Free Mobile UI Testing
  • Packaging your world with NuGet
  • Adaptive User Interfaces with Xamarin.Forms
John Deardurff
  • How to get Microsoft Certified
  • Cloudy with a Chance of Data
Tom Cudd
  • Respond To and Troubleshoot Production Incidents Like an SA
  • An Extended Explanation of Caching
  • Are You Really Using Kanban, or Just Making a List of Issues?
  • Apply Software Development Practice to Application Configuration
  • Extract More from Atlassian Tools with Python
  • Destroying DevOps Culture Anti-Patterns
  • Scaling for Volume and Complexity
  • Leadership Lessons From Engineering to Manageering
priya rajagopal
  • JSON Parsing in Swift got a whole lot easier!
  • Postman Delivers : API Development and Testing Made Easy
  • NoSQL Local Data Storage for Mobile Apps
Bhakthi Liyanage
  • How to become a Jedi: Introduction to Mind Machine Interfacing using Brain Activity and Azure IoT
  • Predicting the future with R, Visual Studio and Azure Machine Learning
  • Developing AI Applications : Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK)
  • Developing AI Applications : Azure Cognitive Service API
Scott McAllister
  • Building Command-Line Applications with OAuth in Node
  • Make your CSS more flexible with flexbox
  • Develop Add-ons for Google Apps AND Stay Sane
  • Why loop when you can map, reduce, or filter?
Doug Mair
  • What's new in Visual Studio and C# 7
  • Code Checkup: Tools to check the health of your code.
  • Feed your inner data scientist: JavaScript tools for data visualization and filtering.
Brandon Minnick
  • Xamarin + Blob Storage
  • Correcting Common Mistakes in Asynchronous .NET Code
  • Upgrade Your Apps with AI, Using Cognitive Services
Aaron Cutshall, DHA, MSHI
  • The Lost Science of Set Theory
  • "There Be Whales Here!" -- Big Data in SQL Server
Steve Jones
  • Encryption and Security in SQL Server
  • End to End Encryption and Security in SQL Server
  • Building a Database DevOps Process
Spencer Swindell
  • Make ETL Great Again with Azure Data Factory
  • Intro to Azure SQL DB/DW
  • Applying Data Warehouse Techniques
Bryce Embry
  • The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Your Code
Luke Campbell
  • Automate SQL Server installations and configurations using Powershell Desired State Configuration
Mike Amundsen
  • A Better Way to Build API Clients
  • Learning the Three Types of Microservices
Mark Cruth
  • Default to Yes: Helping Your Scrum Team Experiment with Kanban
  • Achievement Unlocked: How Gamification Drives Organizational Culture Change
  • Let Me Tell You A Story: The Power of Storytelling in Agile Coaching
  • Reenergizing Your Retrospectives!
Chris Gardner
  • The Great C# Quiz Show
  • More Dev, Less Ops - Going Serverless
  • From Inspiration to Implementation: What You Should Know About Pre-Production
  • Education vs. Certification
Al Kraus
  • Fighting the Rhetoric: Recovering from a Bad Agile Transition
  • What Did You See? A New Approach to ScrumMaster Mentoring
  • Tiny Agile House: DYI Internal Agile Coaching Group
  • Agile Explained: A Case-Study in Expanding Agile to Non-Engineers
Matthew Groves
  • I have a NoSQL toaster
  • JSON Data Modeling in Document Databases
  • NoSQL Shouldn’t Mean NoSecurity
  • Querying NoSQL with SQL: HAVING Your JSON Cake and SELECTing it too
  • 5 Popular Choices for NoSQL on a Microsoft Platform
Rob Harrigan
  • Personalization for millions of users for a few dollars: Serverless collaborative filtering
  • Serverless Streaming Web Analytics with AWS Kinesis and Lambda
Aisha Blake
  • Give Feedback Fearlessly
  • Web Accessibility: How to Be an A11y
Ryan Rousseau
  • A Room with a Vue.js
  • Deploying Applications w/ Octopus Deploy
  • Building Facebook Messenger Bots w/ Google Firebase
Erick Fleming
  • Building domain event-driven applications
Kevin Crawley
  • 0-60 Microservices In Under a Year
BJ Burns, William Gant
  • Complete Developer Podcast Panel on How Microservice Architecture Is Changing Web Development
BJ Burns
  • Developer's Role In SCRUM
Josh Lane
  • Lambda Architecture - The Evolution of Big Data
  • We Need To Talk About Your Database
  • Event-based Microservices in the Cloud
Bryan Robinson
  • Post-Modern CSS: In-depth on Grid, Flexbox and other new CSS Techniques
  • Join the CSS Future with CSS Grid
Jim Wooley
  • Improving code quality with Static Analyzers
  • Entity Framework performance monitoring and tuning
  • Getting started with Entity Framework Core
  • C# 7, Roslyn and You
  • Getting pushy with SignalR and Reactive Extensions
Douglas Starnes
  • Microsoft Azure Makes Machine Learning Accessible and Affordable
  • Python: What’s in it For You
  • ARKit Puts the Best of Both Worlds in Your Pocket
  • Data Science with Python and Friends
  • Deep Learning with Python and Friends
James Q Quick
  • Taking Your Career Into Your Own Hands
  • Guaranteed Tips to Mastering Javascript
  • Developer To Designer - A Beginner’s Guide
Seth Petry-Johnson
  • UI Tests Are Fun to Write (If You Write Them Right)
  • Staying Green: Tests That Stand the Test of Time
Garth Henson
  • Learning How to Ask the Right Questions
  • Where Did All My Servers Go?
  • Automated Email Testing with Docker and POSTFIX
Keith Casey
  • API Design isn’t Just Nouns & Verbs
  • (Mis)using and Abusing APIs for Fun & Profit
  • The Many Layers of OAuth
Kyle Welch
  • Expect More: Getting Started with JavaScript Testing
  • Git it Done: Effective Feature Development
  • Taming the Wilderness - An Overview of the JavaScript Ecosystem
Justin James
  • Unit Testing Angular Applications from the Trenches
  • 8 Platforms, 1 Code Base Using The Ionic Framework
  • Up and Running with Angular
  • Make Public Speaking Your Competitive Advantage
Dustin Ewers
  • Full Stack Performance Tuning with ASP.NET Core
  • The Pragmatic Guide to Web Application Security
  • Getting Past "It Works Great on My Machine": Building A CI/CD Pipeline in Visual Studio Team Service
  • Get The Boring Stuff Right: A Guide to Keeping up With the Latest Tech
  • One Endpoint to Rule them All: Make your APIs Less Lazy with GraphQL
  • The Savvy Developer's Guide to Resilience
Arthur Doler
  • Learning Feedback with LEGO: The Building Blocks of Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • The Developer’s Guide to Learning Effectively
  • If You Got a Problem, Yo I’ll Teach You to Solve It
  • Hidden Decisions and the Lens of Change
Wanda L. Scott
  • Listen to Me! How Women can be Passionate and still Communicate with Power and Clarity
  • Developing Resilience: Building The Power Within
Pete Dunlap
  • Digital Wellness: Take Back the Carefree Life your Smartphone Stole from You
Nic Raboy
  • Developing Applications with Go and NoSQL
Tammy Lawlor
  • The Care and Feeding of Product Development Teams
  • Design Thinking for Everyone: A Guide for Product Development Teams
John Berryman
  • Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Jeremy Likness
  • Cloud Native CosmosDB for NoSQL at Scale
  • Real World Microservices in the Serverless Cloud
  • Glue for the Internet: Introducing Azure Event Grid
Jad Joubran
  • Web Performance in 2018
Jonathan Kemp
  • The State of State Management in React
  • Get More Done with Vue.js
  • Simplify State Management with Redux
Todd Gardner
  • The Developer's Guide to Selling Your Work
  • We Didn’t Stop to Ask If We Should: Understanding Build vs. Buy
Kevin Zurawel
  • Party Like It's 1985: Making NES Games in Assembly
Bob Bradley
  • Building Progressive Web Apps with Angular CLI, Angular Material and FireBase
Laurie Barth
  • Building a UI That Can Live Forever
Santosh Hari
  • Next level mapping with Azure Location Based Services
  • Go places with Azure Location Based Services
  • CosmosDB: A Polyglot Datastore
  • CosmosDB 101: Basics and quickstart
Rob Keefer
  • Goldilocks and Artificial Intelligence
  • Developer Flow: Harness the Power of Flow for Happier Developers
  • A Brief Introduction to Concurrent Programming
Chris Bohatka
  • Exploring How A Starter Kit Can Accelerate Your Project Development
Chad Green
  • Getting Started with Azure SQL Database
  • Software Craftsmanship for Non-Developers
  • Secrets of Conflict Resolution
  • How to be a Leader
  • From Zero to Serverless
  • The Black Box Magic
  • Which Microsoft Framework Am I Supposed to Use?
Cody Rose
  • Does it Take Skills to Make Skills?
Keith Wedinger
  • AWS Java Lambda Functions with Kotlin
  • Dogs and Cats, Living Together: Kotlin, Spring Boot and REST on Azure
  • Living on borrowed time; or Dude, where are the docs?
Scott Drake
  • Cultural Fit: How to Actively Create the Place You Belong
  • Future-Proof: Mastering the Timeless Skills You Need for the Tech Jobs of Today and Tomorrow
  • Becoming Promotable: How to Prepare for Your Next Leadership Career Step
Eric Potter
  • Should I be a generalist or a specialist?
  • Finding your place in the Cosmos: When and why you should consider Azure Cosmos DB.
  • What C# Programmers Need to Know About Pattern Matching
Jonathan Mills
  • SOLID JavaScript
  • Architecting Your Applications for the Cloud
  • A Skeptic's Guide to Functional Style Javascript
  • Building Progressive Web Apps with React
David McCarter
  • Rock Your .NET Core Best Practices
  • Rock Your Technical Interview
  • Rock Your Code Knowledge - The Game
  • Rock Your .NET App Performance
Lee Brandt
  • OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect In Plain English
  • Real Agile for Real Software
  • A Developer's Guide To Docker
Scott Hawley
  • Because Nobody Wants to Edit Drums: Building Trainable Audio Production Tools via Machine Learning
Yulan Lin
  • The messy side of data analytics
Joseph Buschmann
  • Moving Beyond the Basics in SpecFlow
  • Introducing SpecFlow – A Tool for Binding Business Requirements to .NET Code
Jim Weaver
  • The Software Testing Pyramid - Concrete Example
Jessica Katz
  • Transparency: Becoming a Better Window
  • Safety and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves
Eric Cobb
  • Exploring The New JSON Features In SQL Server
  • Managing Your SQL Server When You Don't Have A DBA
  • Building Better SQL Server Databases
Taylor Desseyn
  • Recruiters Suck. Use them.
Jeff Blankenburg
  • Understanding Alexa
  • Building Your First Voice Experience with Alexa
Wyatt Preul
  • GraphQL on the server
  • Node.js microservices on Autopilot
Cosmo Wolfe
  • WTF are QR codes and how do you scan them with Javascript?
  • The promised land—upgrading a 100+ page legacy webapp to a single page React app without tradeoffs
Michael McCalla
  • An Outcome Measurement Model: Is Your Agile Adoption Moving The Needle?
Cass Van Gelder
  • Puzzle Me This! - A New Agile Game
  • Scrum Crashers: The House That Agile Built
  • The Girl Singer Syndrome: Happily and Effectively Adding Women into Your Agile Teams
  • Throne of Games: Creating Your Own Agile Games
Robert Cain
  • The Decoder Ring for Data Warehousing with SQL Server
  • Zero to Hero with SSRS 2016 Mobile Report Publisher
  • Powering Azure SQL From PowerShell
Martine Dowden
  • Fabricating Fantastic Forms
  • Accessibility Cookbook: 10 easy recipes
  • .CSS { display: What? }
Michael Dowden, Martine Dowden
  • Care and Feeding of Your Developers
Michael Dowden
  • CSS !important
  • How to transition leadership (without pissing off the team)
  • Naming: The Art of Clarity
Dennis Stepp
  • Impress Your Boss by Sitting on Your Ass
Brant Boehmann
  • Introduction to Graph Databases with Neo4J
  • Tooling Around in the JDK
Tyler Jennings
  • Write Cleaner JavaScript Today
  • Taming State Management with NGRX
  • Command and Conquer the Front End with Elm
Jerome Hardaway
  • From Combat To Code