Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,448 days ago

NodeConf Remote

event starts

2 Nov 2020

event ends

6 Nov 2020

Introducing NodeConf Remote 2020. 

As anyone who’s come to NodeConf EU will undoubtedly agree, our annual event in Ireland is not just a conference, it's a gathering of the NodeConf family. In 2019, 280 attendees from 32 countries across 5 continents came together to share ideas, stories, insights and have fun. For most who come regularly, it's an experience not to be missed. As we plan for a year of uncertainty, we want the experience that is NodeConf EU to remain a constant while still taking actions to protect our communities around the world. To that end, NodeConf EU will return in 2021 and in its place this year we are introducing NodeConf Remote to allow us all to connect virtually.  

When the NodeConf EU 2020 website went live on January 15th, none of us could have predicted what the coming months had in store. For most people NodeConf EU is a yearly event and for those involved in the preparations, it is one continuous event that rolls over from year to year. Just as we say goodbye to one, we are already busy planning the next whilst always striving to make it a better experience for all. 

With this in mind, and to give everyone in the community some degree of certainty to plan for, we have made this decision sooner rather than later.  

NodeConf Remote will take place from 2nd - 6th November. The daytime format will remain as close as possible to NodeConf EU with multiple 20 minute talks broadcast each day for free and available for anyone. A collection of remote workshops offered at a modest cost will also be offered.

If you’re interested in joining us, mark it in your calendar. If you’re interested in speaking or hosting a workshop, submit your ideas. The current CFP will remain open and we will continue to work on the agenda and logistics over the coming months. We look forward to sharing our plans with you all and we hope you will help us make it a success for all!


NodeConf EU Team 

finished 1,549 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 9:00 AM

27 Feb 2020

Call closes at 9:00 AM

27 Jul 2020

Call closes in GMT Daylight Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

NodeConf Remote will take place from 2nd - 6th November. The daytime format will remain as close as possible to NodeConf EU with multiple 20 minute talks broadcast each day for free and available for anyone. A collection of remote workshops offered at a modest cost will also be offered.

In 2019 our talk topics came from a wide variety of topics including Open Source, Community, Wild Ideas, Full Stack, Node.js Core, Serverless, Adoption Stories and React. 

We welcome technical talks on 4 key areas: Node.js Core, Node.js Applications (use of Node.js in real applications), Node.js Community and wild ideas. Wild ideas can be anything in the IOT, Machine Learning, or Emerging Technology space and should have a Node.js tie in some way). Product pitches or "marketecture" type talks will not be accepted. Talks that just give a tutorial on how to use some commercial tool will not be accepted.

If you’re interested in joining us this year, we would love to hear from you.