NodeTLV is an international conference for Javascript backend developers and the companies that use NodeJS in their stack, but more than that, NodeTLV is a great way to get in touch with the NodeJS community, find seasoned developers for your company, listen to the the latest news in the NodeJS world and seek out new job opportunities!
After 4 SOLD OUT years with 1000 attendees from all over the world, we are bringing you the 4th edition of Node.TLV with 1000 expected attendees! A full day 100% Node.js focused conference with 2 tracks!
What we are looking for? 🧐
The topic of the submitted talk should be relevant to the Node.js community and the technologies around it.
We want practical ideas that attendees can apply at work the next day.
We love interesting case studies, inspiring success and failure stories, awesome tools and libraries, deep dives and advanced features of Node.js, and whatever else you feel is relevant for our audience.
Some ideas for topics:
- Scaling Node Apps & Performance
- Trends and hot topics which are relevant in 2024 and beyond
- Design patterns and best practices
- Security
- Production & Ops
- Advanced JavaScript
- Tests - beyond the common knowledge
- New approaches, experience from the battlefield
Some Notes ✍
- You can propose multiple talks and edit your CFP later on.
- The CFP will be open until January 31st.
- The talks can be in English or Hebrew
- We will not accept commercial vendor talks - Talks that are basically just a sales pitch for "Buy our product" or "Come work for us".
We offer full or partial covering of the travel costs for our speakers, but we cannot offer an honorarium.
For information regarding event sponsorship, please contact
Sponsorships DO NOT include speaking slots - all talks must go through the standard CFP process