Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 847 days ago

Oπe\n Conf - 2022

event starts

2 Dec 2022

event ends

3 Dec 2022


Venue with a 600seat auditorium, large lobby, workshop space, etc Athens, Greece


O𝜋e\n is an annual technical conference focusing in leading-edge tech topics.

It's supported by Greek Software and IT sector including Major IT Companies, Open IT Communities, Startups, Hubs and Research Centers.

Our mission is to make Greece a strategic destination for companies, hubs, universities and VCs looking for partnerships in global technology ecosystems.

We share innovation, learn from each other, build relationships and drive new business, always being "open" to new ideas and focused on where the future of technology goes to be born.

Check out Oπe\n past conferences content and an intro video summarizing what Oπe\n is about.

This year, our two day event will focus on:

  • Infrastructure (6G / DevOps / Edge computing / Troposphere networks / Security, etc) and
  • Applications (Metaverse / Blockchain / NFTs/ DigitalTwin / Nano IoT / Bio Sensing / Immersive communication / Car2X / SaaS / Scaling web apps)

Target audience (~500 per day):
• Members of the Greek technical communities
• Greek IT companies’ engineers, product managers, leaders
• Students interested in IT and software engineering
• Startuppers

More info at

finished 929 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Jul 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

11 Sep 2022

Call closes in GTB Daylight Time (UTC+03:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Oπe\n conf is focusing on Technical, focused speeches with big value for the wider audience of Greek IT ecosystem.


We are looking for speakers that can deliver engaging speeches.

Having a diverse group of speakers is really important for us.

Submit your speech / workshop proposal by August 31st 2022

After your submission, a speech selection committee from Oπe\n Organizing team and Greek IT ecosystem, will select the speeches for Oπe\n conf 2022.

You will be inforrmed whether you are selected or not by end of September 2022.

Submition indicates acceptance of our Code of Conduct.


Oπe\n conf is a non-profit event supported by sponsors and low cost tickets, thus speeches fees will not be covered.

We ask speakers to specify their needs for Travel and Accomodation. We are committed to assist as many speakers as possible, on a case-by-case basis.

We cannot cover all travel expenses for all speakers.
Given the available funds, we will offer a cost split of major travel expenses like airfare and hotel, or cover one or the other.
We shall not cover accommodation expenses for speakers who do not need an overnight staying


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

We are asking speakers to utilize own company travel policy if applicable for all or part of the cost. We shall try to cover the rest of Travel and Acoomodation expences witihn individual arrangements.