Call for Proposals

in 160 days

Prevent Child Abuse America 2025 Conference

event starts

12 Aug 2025

event ends

14 Aug 2025


Oregon Convention Center Portland, Oregon, United States

Join us in beautiful Portland, Oregon, August 12 – 14 for a transformative three-day conference focused on the power of prevention in shaping a brighter future for our communities! Be part of the conversation that drives change and strengthens the foundation for every child’s safe and happy childhood. For more information visit

open, 10 days left
Call for Proposals
Call opens at 12:00 AM

18 Feb 2025

Call closes at 11:59 PM

14 Mar 2025

Call closes in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

The Power of Prevention: 2025 Prevent Child Abuse America National Conference Call for Proposals opens February 18, 2025! Please complete and submit your proposal by March 14, 2025, to be considered.

PCA America is committed to ensuring that all children and families are living a purposeful and happy life with hope for the future. This year, PCA America will select sessions that focus on our current strategic prevention priorities: transforming the narrative and insights for impact.

How Do We Define These Strategic Priorities?

  • Transforming the Narrative: means changing attitudes and beliefs about child abuse and neglect. Child abuse and neglect are preventable, public issues. Our communities know how to solve these system-level issues. They also know how to best support children and families. The responsibility is not on a parent alone, it’s on all of us. Do you have examples to share about your community and how they promote family voice and wellbeing in their work? We invite you to share promising solutions that are changing attitudes and beliefs on a larger scale.
  • Insights for Impact: means sharing knowledge or lessons learned to advance what works. Are you a home visitor, program/state leader, policy expert, researcher, or community partner? We invite you to share lessons learned from the field to advance knowledge of what works. This knowledge can help us all promote policies, practices, and programs to build a more supportive system for families.

Submissions should address one or both strategic priorities. Additional consideration will be given to proposals that engage their communities.


Sessions. All sessions will be 45 minutes and can be a presentation that shares findings on a particular topic with Q&A (“presentation”) or an interactive session (“interactive”) that engages attendees (e.g., open discussion, skills training, or data walks).

Important Dates & Information:

The deadline for submitting proposals is March 14, 2025, at 11:59pm CT. Submissions received after this date will not be accepted.

  • 2/18/25: Call for Proposals Opens
  • 3/14/25: Call for Proposals Due
  • 4/14/25: Speakers Contacted/Confirmed
  • 4/21/25: Tentative Schedule Shared

Proposals will be reviewed by PCA America’s National Conference Selection Committee.

Registration: If you submit a proposal, please do not register until you hear back from PCA America in mid-April. One presenter per selected session will receive $100 off their registration fee. Additional presenters are required to pay full price. All accepted presenters are responsible for registering for the conference, paying the conference registration fee, and securing and paying for travel and lodging. No accommodation will be made for presenters who plan to only attend on the day they present. 

Audiovisual Information: Standard audiovisual equipment and setup will be provided, including a laptop, screen, projector, podium, panel table, wireless clicker, and microphones. Additional AV equipment may be requested; however, PCA America cannot guarantee providing it, and it may be at the presenter’s expense. 

If you are interested in participating in this event as a Sponsor or Exhibitor, please reach out to

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