Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 976 days ago 2022

event starts

20 Jun 2022

event ends

23 Jun 2022


Hilton Vienna Park Vienna, Austria


Welcome to the Call for Speakers Page for PowerShell Conference Europe 2022. This time it will be held at the Hilton Vienna Park Hotel in Vienna, Austria between

 June 20-23, 2022

If we do not feel it is safe or the Austrian regional or state legislation does not allow for a safe in-person event, we are keeping our options open, but we are focused and committed to deliver a great in-person conference if possible.

We believe that PowerShell Conference Europe is the perfect place for PowerShell experts, PowerShell team members and people passionate about PowerShell from around the world to meet, share, network, learn and also have a wonderful time!

To better understand the fantastic experience of this event, check out the 2019 After Movie

We would LOVE to have YOU here with us to share your knowledge, experience, and wisdom.

Please submit your sessions for review.

Get Some Inspiration!

To help you get started and better understand what delegates are looking for, we asked what people would like to see at PSConfEU 2022! 

You can read the thread explaining the survey results here 

The responses show a lot of interest in Real-Life PowerShell, DevOps Concepts, Pure Deep PowerShell, Azure and some interests in On-Prem scenarios or non-technical skills such as Community, Soft Skills, Career development, Blog Writing, How to Stream, etc...

If one of the proposed topics happens to be your area of specialty, you may want to also submit a session covering one or more of those.

Please do not feel constrained by the proposed topics. Add at least one session that is completely different! The proposed topics are just a helpful and somewhat random snapshot of what the expectation might be, but we all love surprises!
By no means do they represent the entire spectrum of this conference.

Please make sure that you also follow us on Twitter @PSConfEU, using the hashtag #PSConfEU and via our website

finished 1,165 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

14 Oct 2021

Call closes at 11:59 PM

15 Dec 2021

Call closes in W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Please read the instructions below to avoid disappointment


While the conference is renowned for its deeply technical content, bear in mind that in every healthy technical community, some will be fairly new to it, some will have just a few years of experience, and some will have been in the trenches for a long time, maybe since the beginning.

Ideally, the distribution is even so that over the years, the community grows, renew itself even with those moving to other work or area of focus.

As the conference organisers we are looking to:

 - inspire the newcomers,

 - keep opening the doors to those progressing in their journey,

 - and challenge what we think are the limits for the most experienced.

Do not expect the audience to know everything, but to be as curious as you are and, in some areas, even more knowledgeable than you. Rest assured that all presentations are held in a friendly cooperative atmosphere and on an equal level with the audience.

Unique Sessions

One of our aims for this conference is not only to give our attendees and you a brilliant experience but also to create an outstanding contribution to the resources available for people to continue to learn from. If your session is exactly the same as in a different event then we are not able to increase the knowledge sharing, only duplicate it.

Please make your sessions submissions for PSConfEU unique.

Of course, we understand that you will want to practice them at User Groups (Please support the PowerShell User Groups) and that you may also submit similar sessions to other large conferences, but we ask that you put in a little effort to tweak them so that we (and you) can enable greater knowledge sharing and improve the resources for people getting into PowerShell.

Session Topics

We are looking forward to what you can bring to the community!

We are a conference focused on the PowerShell Community, whether users, contributors or enthusiasts. To help you get started and better understand what delegates are looking for (and therefore what we are looking for), we asked what people would like to see at PSConfEU 2022!

You can read the thread explaining the survey results here to get session topic ideas

Speaker Confirmation

    Despite the call for speakers closing on December 15th and knowing that will mean that some of you will not submit until December 15th at 11pm, we know that releasing a few chosen speakers and sessions will have a positive effect on increasing ticket sales. We will be reviewing and evaluating submissions throughout the call for speakers and may announce some speakers before the date below

We will inform all speakers chosen and otherwise by January 4th, and ask that you confirm positively or negatively as quickly as you can.

Session Length

    Sessions will be 45 minutes in length including the Q&A. This allows for just enough time to inspire, answer a few questions, and take the discussion further in the foyer area. At the end of the 45 minutes, you are asked to quickly leave the lectern and microphone for the next speaker, and continue to engage with the attendees outside.

This makes the richest conference experience by having a vibrant hallway track, and also makes it easier for us to build the schedule.

How we select speakers

We have established a community advisory board that will review and discuss your submissions using Sessionize.

What we expect from you as a Speaker

As a speaker at PowerShell Conference Europe 2022, you are the heart and soul of this conference. You’ll have access to speakers lounge and other speakers' privileges and receive free conference admission and hotel accommodation in the hotel (on a shared basis). We’ll help giving credit to all of what you do.

You will also represent and influence the community, so we expect you to champion our values of inclusion, diversity, and professionalism. We also wish to make absolutely clear that inappropriate behaviour will not be accepted or tolerated at all.

We are looking for speakers who enjoy attending this conference, and who love to dive into the event and be part of it. If you can only attend for a day or two, please let us know so we can plan the slots.

We ask that you help us to promote the event using the hashtag #PSConfEU Tweets during the run up to the event. Your Blog posts, LinkedIn posts and other interaction have a great impact on our ticket sales and the success of the event. If you let us know, we will also help promoting them.

What your session submission should include

We would recommend submitting at least four sessions to maximize your chances of getting selected as each speaker will be asked to present two sessions and there are always duplicate topics or overlaps.

 - Decide whether you want to submit a “Howto”, “Fundamentals”, or “Other” session.

 - In your submission, include the promise you want to make with each session (see above, i.e. “In this session, you will learn how to…”).

 - Submit a catchy title and an abstract of 3-8 lines of text.

 - If your proposal does not fit into the default 45min slot, or requires more than one presenter, include details.

Each speaker…

Brings their own presentation equipment including a laptop with standard HDMI output.

Uses the presentation templates or slides we will provide.

Provides presentation and/or materials to the audience via our GitHub before the end of the conference (you can link to your repository from our GitHub).

Agrees to have their presentation recorded and published for free on YouTube and other platforms (see for last years’ recordings), and maybe livestreamed.


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

Accepted speakers get a room in the Speakers hotel (please do not book accommodation yourself unless you or your company are covering it), free admission to the conference and all of its events, special invitation to the exclusive Speakers Dinner. Travel is yours to cover.