Welcome to PSConfEU MiniCon 2024's Call for Speakers!
PSConfEU MiniCon is a free online gathering to meet PSConfEU speakers, watch some original content, and catch up with the community!
It's a few hours only, the 15th of October, on a custom map in https://gather.town/!
PSConfEU Minicon is free and open to everyone, although we might have a limitation in the number of people we accept for technical reasons!
The event will be held on Gather Town, a virtual world we can roam to discover people and engage with them in a more interactive way than a conference call.
So roam the world and explore, then meetup with PSConfEU speakers, PowerShell team members and say hi!
We may require people to join with Webcam and Microphone as the goal is to meet people from in the comfort of our home.
Priority for the sessions is given to speakers who were selected but couldn't deliver their sessions during the in-person event. Some other slots are available!
The sessions will be 45min over 2 slots on 4 tracks, with a 15min break in-between (so 8 sessions total).
We recommend to plan for 30min of content, leave up to 15min for Q&A, but have something more to show for the remaining time if you don't get questions...
Ask us any question at contact@psconf.eu!