Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,017 days ago

PyBay2021 Food Truck Edition

event date

9 Oct 2021


Parklabs Garden, 1379 4th Street San Francisco, California, United States


PyBay2021...OUTDOORS this year...reinvented to help strengthen our community... and we want to hear from you!

We are counting on YOU to submit great talks by August 31.

Since Covid seems to be here to stay, we need to chart a new path forward.

That’s why the 6th annual PyBay, developers’ favorite Python conference in the Bay Area, will be a one-day, single-track shindig - OUTDOORS - in San Francisco's coolest food truck park.

Of the 200+ that have responded to our pre-conference survey:

  • 97.5% are fully vaccinated
  • 89% are cool with wearing masks at this outdoor conference to keep everyone safe
  • 64% want to meet in-person, 8% can only attend if online is offered (some have moved away)
  • Another 6% would attend if we enforce vaccination and mask policy (many have kids and elderly at home)

With your enthusiastic support, here is da GAME PLAN for PyBay2021 - Food Truck Edition, the funnest Python developer gathering yet:

  • Proof of vaccination (or a recent negative PCR test result) and mask wearing for in-person attendees is required.
  • The conference will start with lunch so you can reconnect with friends and coworkers - there are 18 food trucks and several drinking holes to choose from.
  • Talks from in-person speakers will start at 12:30 pm PST. They will be broadcast to attendees lounging in multiple bungalows and cabanas via large TVs and loudspeakers. They will also be live-streamed to online attendees.
  • There will be a 20-minute break every hour during talks and a longer dinner break so you can give your brain and bladder a break, sample more great food and drinks, reinforce learning by digging deeper with your peers, and catch Guido in person!
  • The fun goes on until we get kicked out at 9:00pm but memories will live on long after that. You will have enjoyed some sense of 'normalcy' and soaked up some vitamin D before winter comes.
  • If Covid case rates or air quality threaten our health and fun, we'll postpone to early April. If you can't wait that long to deliver your talk, we'll schedule you at our monthly virtual meetups.

Dig it? We think it will be the funnest PyBay yet.

Let's create a better reality for Pythonistas in the San Francisco Bay Area --- TOGETHER. We are counting on YOU to submit great talks by August 31

finished 1,052 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

26 Aug 2021

Call closes at 11:59 PM

03 Sep 2021

Call closes in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

This year's PyBay is about the usual high quality content but in a relaxed environment for Pythonistas to reconnect with people in 3D and soak up some vitamin D before winter is here 

We are looking for in-person delivery of 8 in-depth technical talks and 8 fun lighting talks


  • 5-min lightning talks
  • 25-min + 5 mins Q&A
  • 40-min + 10 mins Q&A


  • DevOps‚ Testing & Automation
  • ML‚ AI & Data
  • Python & Libraries
  • Scale & Performance
  • Web‚ IoT & Hardware
  • People & Project Management


  • Submit 25- or 40-minute talk before August 31 for the best chance to secure a speaking slot. The talk selection committee meets Sept 1 to pick talks. If we need more selections, we'll meet again. For now, we're keeping the CFP closing date on sessionize further out in case we need to move to plan B.
  • The wider the audience your talk appeals to, the better
  • Don’t get lost in the weeds, but don’t be afraid to delve into the details--show some code and tell some war stories so developers have something tangible to learn
  • Consider your audience. 50% of attendees in the past identified themselves as mid-level devs, 39% as senior-level, and 25% are women
  • PyBay Food Truck Edition is geared for a memorable in-person gathering, and this includes speakers. If you are traveling to San Francisco Bay Area, state how you are planning to get here (we cannot reimburse travel expenses) and why we shouldn't be concerned about last-minute changes that will leave us scrambling


  • Site has free WiFi powered by Cisco Meraki. A/V team is bringing equipment to simulcast talks outdoors and backup power supply. Speakers should bring HDMI adaptors. 
  • If we have to postpone due to Covid case rate or air quality, you can wait until early April to deliver your talk or we'll schedule you at one of our monthly virtual meetups
  • We'll let you know by Sept 7, if not earlier, if your talk has been accepted
  • Talks will be recorded and posted to our YouTube channel with 15,000+ subscribers

event fee

free for speakers