PyLadies is an international mentorship group with focus on helping more women into becoming active participants and leaders in the Python open source community. Our mission is to promote, educate and advance a diverse Python community through outreach, education, conferences, events and social gatherings.
PyLadies Vancouver is locally run by volunteers from Greater Vancouver area. We welcome all women, inclusive of trans women. Further we would like to extend a special invitation to nonbinary folks, as many (but not all) of the oppressions facing women in our industry are also experienced by nonbinary individuals. Persons with any gender identity are welcome to attend our meetups, but should respect that PyLadies Vancouver is a place where women's voices are centered.
We're always looking for speakers at our meetup! No experience necessary. You can give a lightning talk (5 minutes), longer talk (15-30 minutes), or even a full workshop (up to 2 hours). Whether you're speaking for the first time, or a seasoned presenter, we welcome you in our community.
Another way to support our community is by donating to us through [Open Collective]( Your support can help with operational costs of running our meetup group.