Call for Speakers

in 103 days

Red Team Village at DEFCON 32

event starts

9 Aug 2024

event ends

11 Aug 2024


Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

The Red Team Village is focused on training the art of critical thinking, collaboration, and strategy in offensive security. The RTV brings together information security professionals to share new tactics and techniques in offensive security. Attendees may spend all three days engaged in introductory workshops or challenge themselves in an immersive Capture the Flag competition to put their newly obtained skills to the test.

open, 3 days left
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

18 Mar 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

30 Apr 2024

Call closes in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Red Team Village is back for another year! This year we will be accepting submissions for talks and workshops. Both should not exceed 60 minutes in duration.


Workshops should include some sort of hands-on instruction. Attendees should be able to try out a new technique or method while in your workshop and walk away learning something new.


Talks are the more traditional presentation that you're used to. These should not exceed 60 minutes. If you are submitting a talk with an additional speaker, please make sure to add them to this application.

Both talks and workshops should focus in some way on red teaming, critical thinking, or other techniques in offensive security.

Dates and Times

The village will be open and hosting talks and workshops at the following times:

  • Friday, August 9th from 11am - 6pm PT
  • Saturday, August 10th from 10am - 6pm PT
  • Sunday, August 11th from 10am - 1pm PT

Important Information

  1. By submitting you agree that you will in no way sell or charge attendees for your talk or workshop
  2. If any materials are required for your talk or workshop you agree to provide these materials to attendees

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