Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,162 days ago

Web Devign Talks: Ingenious ways to work smarter, faster and healthier

event starts

22 Nov 2021

event ends

17 Dec 2021



We all want to be more productive as developers but there's more to it than longer hours and bigger coffees. The r/webdev + r/web_design folks want members of the community (including our Discord server) to share their advice and experience in the form of a talk!

The event is focused on overcoming common struggles by working smarter - not harder. We're looking for tips and tricks to hack productivity. Can you tell people how to make web development faster, easier, or more sustainable?

The Call for Speakers opens October 18, 2021, selected speakers will be paid.

finished 1,208 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

18 Oct 2021

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Oct 2021

Call closes in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-04:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We're looking for novel talks that showcase ingenious tips and tricks that allow your audience to increase their productivity. Here are a few example categories, but please feel free to submit talks that are outside of these areas:

  • Nurturing the right coding frame of mind to be efficient
  • Implementing CI/CD pipelines in smart ways
  • Testing made effortless
  • Making your physical environment conducive
  • IDE tricks and workflows
  • Better debugging methodology
  • Project management mindsets
  • Using certain apps, services or devices
  • Pair programming and rubber duck debugging
  • Managing your personal life and wellbeing for productivity
  • Your novel idea

Target Audience

Our community is comprised of nearly 2 million subscribers with over 4.8 million page views per month of 1m unique visitors. The audience trends towards entry-level developers and designers attempting to get their foot in the door and differentiate themselves from the competition. However, like most communities, it's a heterogeneous mix that includes industry experts that provide great advice and content day in and day out. We would encourage you to target 1-3 year professionals, but throw in some nuggets of knowledge that experienced professionals could take away.


Anyone from the community can submit a talk as we want to provide a platform for you as well as witness some of the skills and experience we know the community possesses. We’d love to hear from you if your topic is worth educating or entertaining others about, whether you’re a seasoned speaker or first-timer. If you’re new to giving talks, we’ll provide assistance so you can feel comfortable speaking for the first time.


In your proposal, please provide the following information.

Talk format (choose one)

  • 15-minute Lightning Live Streamed Talk (Payment: $225 USD)
  • 40-minute Full-length Live Streamed Talk (Payment: $750 USD)

Outline of your talk

Include an easily skimmable outline of your talk that includes primary and supporting points. Inline citations are appreciated but are not required.