Call for Speakers

RedisConf 2020 Takeaway (Online)

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,728 days ago

RedisConf 2020 Takeaway (Online)

event starts

12 May 2020

event ends

14 May 2020


Online San Francisco, California, United States


finished 1,780 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Mar 2020

Call closes at 11:59 PM

22 Mar 2020

Call closes in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

RedisConf20 Virtual Conference - Call for Presentations Process:

Note: RedisConf20 is going Virtual due to concerns for the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We have reopened our Call for Presentations to allow those who did not submit because they were not able to travel. You may submit your talk thru Sunday March 22nd.

To present during the RedisConf20 Virtual Conference, you must first submit an abstract of your talk. One or two paragraphs should be enough to effectively convey your idea. You do not need to submit an academic paper or provide slides. Your talk can be between 20 and 40 minutes long. You may also submit a shorter Lightning Talk.

When: The first batch of talks were chosen from those submitted by Jan 31st. The second batch of talks were chosen from those submitted by Feb 15th. If your talk has not been selected yet, you do not need to re-submit your talk to be considered for this last round of talks. After March 22nd, there will be no more talks accepted.

Criteria: The selection committee is composed of technical and marketing members of Redis Labs. There are no required topics but we are highlighting certain themes this year, such as: Elegant use of Redis Data Structures/Commands, Redis Modules, Event-driven Architecture (Streams, Queues, Pub/Sub), Microservices, Serverless, Artificial Intelligence, IoT/Edge Computing, Scale-out Architecture, DevOps/Operations, Redis Internals, and of course, your talk should focus on Redis. Generally, the following types of talks are successful:

• Examples of incredible performance with Redis

• Examples of how Redis enabled new capabilities

• Industry-specific Use Cases

• Sharing tips and tricks or best practices

Additional pointers to keep in mind:

• Try making it fresh

• Keep it technical

• Make it useful

• Research numbers are the best, lessons from the battlefield are better

If you have questions or would like feedback on your abstract, please contact Dave Nielsen at


What is the presentation format?

RedisConf20 Virtual Conference sessions are pre-recorded before the conference. We will work with you to record your talk in a way that works for you.

Talks are generally as follows:

• Language: English

• Length: Between 20 -  40 minutes. 5 minute Lightning Talk s are also encouraged

• Slides: a basic template will be provided, the content is up to you

• Demo: possible; Sample code: encouraged

Who typically watches?

• Attendees are mostly technical and familiar with Redis, but you will not have a live audience

Will my presentation be recorded?

• Yes. It will be pre-recorded and released on the day of the virtual conference

event fee

free for speakers