Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,380 days ago

RedisConf 2021

event starts

20 Apr 2021

event ends

21 Apr 2021



Share your Redis story

RedisConf 2021 is coming, and we want you to be a part of it!

If you have a passion for Redis, an exciting and innovative way to use it, or just a really cool problem that Redis helped you solve, we'd love to hear from you. And help you share your story.

Sound fun? Then submit a talk to RedisConf 2021!

RedisConf 2021, unsurprisingly, will be online this year. But don't worry: if your talk is accepted, we'll help you through the recording process to ensure a great presentation.

What we're looking for

If you have a Redis story to tell that you want to get out there and others could learn and benefit from - share it with us!  We want to see what you have to offer and build a conference around that. You should have an audience (e.g., "developers") and a technical level in mind (e.g., "intermediate"). But the rest is up to you!

If you need some ideas, we're particularly interested in:

  • Problems you solved with Redis — We all know that Redis is great for caching, but maybe you built something more with Redis, like a geolocation service, a real-time search backend, or a central message broker.
  • Redis modules in the real world — Are you using RediSearch, RedisJSON, RedisGraph, RedisTimeSeries, or any of the other Redis modules? What problems were you able to solve with these modules? What did you build?
    Using Redis from your favorite programming language for framework — What should developers know to get the most out of Redis?
  • Running Redis in production — How do you run Redis or Redis Enterprise in production? What have you learned? What stories and practices can you share with our audience of operators and architects?

What you'll get out of it

  • A captive audience of developers, operators, and architects
  • Recognition on the RedisConf 2021 website
  • A seriously nice double-wall insulated tumbler mug from Yeti, just for our speakers
  • A chance to build credibility within the Redis community

  • Presentation length and format

We're looking for two talk lengths:

  • 20-minute "breakout session" talks
  • 10-minute lightning talks

We'll provide you with feedback and guide you through the recording process prior to the conference. During the conference, we'll provide opportunities for you to interact with our attendees and answer questions about your talk.

Important dates

February 26th, 2021: We'll notify you if your talk has been selected

Week of March 1st: We'll reach out to you to review the process to pre-record  your talk

March 8st, 2021: RedisConf agenda will be posted

March 22nd: Pre-recorded talks will be due
April 20-21, 2021: The RedisConf main event

Code of Conduct

Please be sure to review our code of conduct.

Thanks again, looking forward to hearing from you!

finished 1,438 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 2:00 PM

15 Jan 2021

Call closes at 11:59 PM

21 Feb 2021

Call closes in Pacific Standard Time (UTC-08:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

event fee

free for speakers