Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 181 days ago

RustConf 2024

event starts

10 Sep 2024

event ends

13 Sep 2024


St. James Theatre Montréal, Canada


Join us in beautiful Montreal, Canada or online for 2+ days of excellent Rust programming language content, Rust training/workshops, an "UnConference" experience, and more!

For the first time in 2024, RustConf will feature a co-located event dedicated to conversations about the use of Rust in enterprise and global leadership settings called "Rust Global".

Details about RustConf 2024 and related activities can be found on our website at

We look forward to hosting Rustaceans in Montreal and online for those who cannot or do not wish to join us in-person. We are constantly looking for ways to improve the online experience and will have more details as the conference approaches. The virtual conference experience will be free for everyone. 

Our program will include a mix of invited and CFP-submitted talks. Tickets will go on sale in the coming weeks. 

More details about the RustConf "UnConference" event will be shared in the near future.

finished 321 days ago
Call for Proposals
Call opens at 8:30 AM

29 Feb 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

25 Apr 2024

Call closes in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Welcome to the RustConf 2024 CFP! We are excited to review your submission.

This application will be used to source...

  • RustConf talks
  • RustConf trainings/workshops
  • Rust Global talks — an add-on event on Friday, September 13th dedicated to discussions about the use of Rust in enterprise, government, and global leadership settings. 

2024 Speaker Experience

RustConf speakers will be given the option to either present their talk live on stage in Montreal, Canada or virtually by pre-recording their talk. Pre-recorded talks will be aired for the first time live in your assigned slot once the schedule is confirmed, both online and on stage. We'll send accepted remote speakers some basic equipment as needed to help make sure they're able to record top-quality content for our video editors to work with. Workshop hosts will be required to present their material in person in Montreal. 

Conference talks will be 30 minutes total, including Q&A. Reviewers may also recommend alternatives if they feel your submitted topic warrants more or less time.

All speakers will be expected to do two run-throughs of their talk to receive constructive feedback. The final run-through will be in mid-August, so plan on finishing your talk well in advance of the conference.

How to Submit

As mentioned above, you will be asked to select a submission type: RustConf Talk, RustConf Training, or Rust Global Talk. If you are interested in participating in several of these, please submit an application for each.

For those applying to speak at RustConf, we'll gladly consider a wide variety of talks on Rust-related topics. To ensure we're doing our best to balance out subject matter at RustConf, we'll ask you to select one of the Rust programming-related categories below on the application, but you'll also have the opportunity to bypass this step.

Suggested RustConf Talk Categories:

  • Rust in New and Exciting Places — Are you writing Rust for an interesting, wacky, or unique application? This category is for you. If you're using Rust for a reason/industry that most programmers would find atypical, we'd love to hear from you!
  • Rust-y Reflections — Have an interesting or unique story about a challenge you faced while coding in Rust? Or perhaps Rust helped you overcome a difficult challenge! Talks in this category will feature personal reflections about the experience of being a Rustacean – good, bad, and/or ugly. We welcome talks analyzing "cursed" projects featuring Rust. 
  • Interdisciplinary Innovations — Tell us how your background in different fields has helped or influenced your experience learning/building with Rust. Our community is stronger with a wealth of different backgrounds and experiences!
  • Learning to Crab — Teaching and learning Rust in academic settings – and beyond! Talks in this category can include stories about teaching students about Rust, using Rust to teach other subjects, and making instructional Rust content in any domain! We welcome talks from students, teachers, professors, and educators of all sorts.
  • Beyond Code — The impact of Rust can be seen in many different places! Talks in this category can explore the social and human impact of the Rust programming language – and might not be solely technical in nature. 
  • Technical Deep Dives — Give us a guided tour through the technical nitty-gritty of something you’ve built or contributed to that uses Rust! Dive into the code and enlighten us on what can be learned from your work. Note: The intended audience for Deep Dive talks can range from Rust newbies to seasoned Rustaceans – we just ask that you leave folks with some valuable takeaways. 
  • Other — Define your own category!

Rust Global

Rust Global is a Rust Foundation-hosted gathering with content focused on the use of Rust in global business, government, and leadership settings. If you are applying to speak at Rust Global, you will not be asked to select a submission category. Instead, please ensure your proposal is focused around the professional use/adoption of Rust. Rust Global will be featured at RustConf as an add-on experience. 


We are excited to offer a day specifically for Rust training and workshops before the main programming of RustConf 2024 begins. Rust training applicants will not be asked to select a category, Instead, please ensure your proposal is focused on a hands-on, educational Rust programming language activity/training that you are prepared to lead. The more universal your training proposal is, the more likely we are to consider it. Trainings/workshops will be featured at RustConf as an add-on experience. 

CFP Review Process

The RustConf Program Committee will review and score RustConf submissions on a rolling basis. 

The first several rounds of reviews in our CFP are, as usual, anonymous. To respect this process, please refrain from including biographical information or linking to previous talks or other material that make your identity obvious in your talk abstract or details. Note that this also means if you receive any feedback, the reviewers don't know who you are then either.

If your submission is selected, you'll receive the following:

  • Plane tickets and hotels covered for the duration of the conference (if attending in person)
  • A free pass to attend the conference
  • A TBD speaker honorarium. Typically, our allocation is $500 per 30 minutes.
  • Recording equipment as appropriate (if presenting remotely).

The Rust Foundation staff team will review all Rust Global and training/workshop submissions directly. Because we will need to get a sense of your experience for these submission categories, we will ask for links to demonstrate your experience with the subject matter. 

Other Notes:

  • RustConf and all related activities are intended to be inclusive and welcoming for everyone. Our Code of Conduct can be found here.
  • If you or your employer might be able to help sponsor RustConf, please get in touch by emailing us at Every little bit helps!
  • More info: 

Questions? Bugs? Email us at


We'll add to this list if we notice the same question coming from multiple sources.

    1. "Can I edit my proposal after I submit it?" Yes, however edits will not be considered after the CFP closes. 
    2. "Can I have more than one presenter?" The blanket answer is yes, you can submit a talk with as many presenters as you'd like—the app will allow it. With that said, talks with multiple speakers are significantly less likely to get accepted. In practice, they can be difficult to do well, so when there are enough single-speaker proposals, we will be more likely to choose the less risky path. Dual-speaker presentations will also be especially challenging to record since none of us are in the same place... but if you're up for the challenge, we want to hear about it! Please note: we budget for one sum of money per speaker. Talks with multiple speakers will most likely end up needing to split the provided funding.
    3. "Will I receive feedback on my submission?" You are welcome to opt-in for feedback on the application if desired! Keep in mind, that not all applicants will receive feedback. This is due to reviewer bandwidth and because the program committee might not have any feedback for you. Not getting feedback isn't an indicator of how your proposal has been received. Feedback will be provided only to applicants who have submitted 1+ week prior to CFP closure. 
    4. "How many times can I submit?" You are welcome to submit multiple proposals for RustConf, Rust Global, and trainings/workshops, however, each applicant is only eligible to speak/present in one slot. Please submit a separate application for RustConf, Rust Global, and trainings/workshops.  
    5. "When does registration open?" March!


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

RustConf will cover up to $1000 in travel expenses — and more as we can. If your employer covers your expenses, we are also happy to discuss offering a sponsorship credit in return.