Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 2,057 days ago

SatRday Gdansk 2019

event starts

17 May 2019

event ends

18 May 2019


Gdańsk, Poland

SatRdays are R-focused conferences that are held on Saturdays. They happen all over the globe, and are organised by local community leaders to help and grow the local community. There is a big emphasis on making these event accessible - by not requiring time off work, by not costing more than a day's wages, by being supportive of new community members or leaders (

The R Consortium ( helps to setup and continue to support us.The Consortium is filled with companies doing great things for or with R. They’re investing in growing the community and the support for the R language. Other fine companies are also getting involved by sponsoring or supporting local events.

SatRday Gdansk 2019 has an international range considering participants as well as organizers. Since the conference takes place in Poland, it has a very strong support from the largest local R enthusiasts’ groups as well as academic community:

• Why R? Foundation


• Gdańsk University of Technology

• Tri-City Group of R Enthusiasts (trigeR) ( Grupa-Entuzjastow-R/

finished 2,090 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

14 Feb 2019

Call closes at 11:59 PM

14 Apr 2019

Call closes in W. Europe Daylight Time (UTC+02:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .



Instructors will have 3 and half hours. Workshops will be about applications of R with hands-on exercises


Presentations will be either 25 minutes for in length, including 5 minutes for questions at the end.

Lightning Talks

Lightning talks will be 5 minutes in length. We will need to have these uploaded ahead of time, and automatically run from one laptop.


We strongly encourage topics from a variety of paradigms, disciplines and backgrounds, so there's really no hard requirement except being R-related. There is a lot of room for creativity and we look forward to hearing different voices from R community. 

The submission process requires that you create an account on Sessionize prior to submitting your application. The submission requires:


Abstract (in plain text, 1200 characters max)

Keywords - tags that you think are relevant to your talk, eg data visualization, machine learning, best practices etc


The deadline for submissions is midnight PST Apr 14, 2019. The Program Committee will review the submissions and notify acceptance before April 30, 2019.