SDD is an annual five-day event for professional software developers and software architects, consisting of a core 3-day conference running from Tuesday to Thursday, and 1-day pre-/post-conference workshops running on the Monday and Friday.
We’re interested in receiving proposals on any topic which you believe will be of interest to a professional software developer, web developer or software architect. There are no constraints on what this might encompass, as we don’t pre-determine an over-arching theme for the conference, or decide in advance a fixed list of track headings.
SDD was founded in 2014 by Nick Payne and James Crowley. Nick has been organising tech conferences for over 25 years, and James has been programming for almost as long.
You’re invited to submit proposals for any or all of the following:
• 80-minute keynote session
• 90-minute breakout sessions
• All-day pre-/post-conference workshops
Any topic which is likely to be of interest to professional software developers or software architects will be considered - there are no constraints.
All speakers are obliged to adhere to our Code of Conduct, which is available here:
Please contact us via email for details of speaking fees etc.