Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
in 11 days

SeleniumConf & AppiumConf Valencia 2025

event starts

26 Mar 2025

event ends

28 Mar 2025


Edificio Veles e Vents, 46024 Valencia, Spain

The SeleniumConf & AppiumConf brings together the global community and projects around the browser and mobile automation tools, providing a space to share ideas, socialize, and work together to advance the present and future success of automation and testing.

finished 103 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

15 Oct 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

01 Dec 2024

Call closes in Romance Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Read all the call for speakers details at

What topics are we looking for?

Attendees are eager for actionable insights—ideas, implementations, experiences, and solutions they can apply directly within their teams or organizations after the event. This year, we’re particularly interested in the following topics:

  • Browser and Mobile Automation: Practical guides, tools, and experiences related to automating testing for both web and mobile applications.
    AI in Testing: Leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance browser and mobile automation, optimize test coverage, or improve defect detection.
  • Video Game Automation and Testing: Techniques and tools for automating the testing of video games, including mobile and browser-based games.
  • Accessibility Automation: Methods for automating accessibility testing in browser and mobile environments, ensuring digital inclusivity.
  • Observability in Testing: Using automated testing for real-time observability into application behavior and performance.
    Synthetic Monitoring: Implementing synthetic monitoring for proactive performance and availability checks within automated test suites.
    WebDriver Ecosystem: Enhancing Selenium and Appium with frameworks like, Selenide, Serenity/JS, Nightwatch, and more.
  • Continuous Testing: Integrating test automation into CI/CD pipelines for faster and smarter releases.
  • Scaling Test Automation: Strategies for scaling automation efforts across teams, applications, and environments.
  • Testability in Software Development: Designing software with testing in mind, focusing on testability from the outset.
  • Advanced Design Patterns: Topics like Domain Driven Design, Page Objects, and other design patterns that support robust and maintainable test automation.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Insights on how RPA intersects with test automation and enhances business workflows.
  • Quality Engineering: Leading or managing large-scale automated testing projects and teams focusing on improving quality.

Tips for Proposals

Submit your proposal early. The program committee will provide feedback on talks that come into our system, and we will work with you to improve your proposal, but this is only feasible if your proposal is submitted well before the deadline. When writing your proposal, please consider the following:

  • Who is the intended audience for your presentation? (be specific; “Selenium or Appium users” is not a good answer to this question).
  • What will attendees learn from your presentation? When they leave the room, what will they know that they didn’t know before?
  • Your speaking proposal should include 3-5 bullet points highlighting key takeaways.
  • It is not necessary to have written your entire talk already, but you should know what your presentation will be about.
  • Ensure that your presentation will be relevant to a non-trivial set of people.
  • Include links to source code, articles, blog posts, videos, or other resources that add context to your proposal.
  • If you’ve given a talk, tutorial, or other presentation before, especially at an earlier SeleniumConf or another conference, include that information and a link to slides or a video, if available.

Presentations are 40 minutes long, including Q&A


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

We'll cover travel, accommodation, a conference ticket, and one primary speaker for proposals with multiple speakers. A second speaker will receive a conference ticket, but travel and accommodation won't be covered. Both speakers can attend the special speakers' dinner before the conference.