Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 61 days ago

ServerlessDays Belfast 2024

event date

23 May 2024


Titanic Hotel, Belfast Belfast, United Kingdom

Serverless Days Belfast, the software community conference focused on the movement of the industry towards serverless and modern cloud technology.

It is a one-day, single-track event and in 2024 will be located in Belfast City Centre.

finished 113 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

24 Feb 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Mar 2024

Call closes in GMT Daylight Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

The theme for this year's event is "Building Beyond Boundaries." We want to celebrate the spirit of Innovation and share stories of real change. Tell us above something incredible that happened, how you felt and how the tech really helped out.

For us, Serverless has been at the heart of Transformation for almost a decade, and these stories never cease to amaze us. We are less interested in "this is how XYZ works" or "Buy my companies product", but more interested in "we did this amazing project" or "I have learned this amazing thing and it will blow your mind".

We encourage you to submit your top presentation on the topic.

If you have previous speaking experience, please include links to videos, online presentations/slides or blogposts.

Target talk length is 25mins - focus on your message and tell a story!


This call for papers ends 31 March 2024 @ 23:59 GMT.


Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Best regards

The ServerlessDays Belfast Committee


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

Travel and accommodation expenses covered for speakers outside commuting distance if required.