Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 107 days ago

Southampton Excel User Group

planned future dates

to be defined


Southampton, United Kingdom

The Southampton Excel User Group is a community based meetup group for people to share their knowledge and expertise in Microsoft Excel.

We meet once a month with the in person events live streamed so anyone can attend the presentations and improve their Excel knowledge regardless of their location.

The group is sponsored by The Niche Partnership who provide the venue for the event as well as food,

finished 133 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

02 Aug 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Oct 2024

Call closes in GMT Standard Time (UTC+00:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

The Southampton Excel User Group are looking for speakers who can share their skills in Excel with the community to help everyone improve their skills.  

We are interested in hearing from speakers who have experience in the following areas:

  • Advanced Excel functions and formulas
  • Data visualization techniques
  • Excel for data analysis and business intelligence
  • Automation with Excel macros, VBA or Power Query
  • Real-world case studies and success stories
  • And any other Excel-related topics!

Our in person and online events are held on the last Wednesday of every month,