Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 409 days ago

SPLC Summit 2023

event starts

14 Aug 2023

event ends

16 Aug 2023


Loews Atlanta Hotel Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Each year, leading purchasers, suppliers and public interest advocates from a wide variety of sectors convene at the SPLC Summit to share expertise, find solutions, network, and help shape SPLC’s resources. The Summit features highly collaborative workshops, expert presentations, insightful speakers, and ample formal and informal networking time.

We expect all presenters to be in-person in Atlanta, Georgia. 

finished 557 days ago
Call for Proposals
Call opens at 12:00 AM

19 Jan 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

20 Mar 2023

Call closes in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-04:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

The Summit’s focus in 2023 is moving sustainable procurement from intentions to impact, and driving positive change through global supply chains. Please consider and include content on how you have ensured that the practices, tools, or solutions presented drive change beyond your direct suppliers or the products/services selected, and impact multiple supplier organizations and tiers. That impact can be through adoption by others, collaborative approaches to shared suppliers, driving uniform asks across your organization’s global procurement and sourcing staff, and so forth. Wherever possible, please quantify specific changes – in supplier behavior, product/service design and delivery, or documented positive impacts on dimensions like worker safety, environmental emissions, local/regional sourcing, etc. – that have resulted from your actions/program/strategic engagement.

All titles should be entered in Title Case. Please use capital letters to start the principal words. Example: Seven Habits of Effective People.

Please ensure you include all co-presenters that you would like to have onsite with you giving the presentation.

Types of Presentations and Limit of Presenters

Interactive Workshop: An interactive workshop should engage the participants actively in learning new information or techniques by stimulating creativity through collaborative work. Each workshop should feature expert guidance by presenters, real-world experience, and peer-to-peer dialogue and problem-solving. (2 speakers at most will receive the speaker rate)

Note: This year's Summit includes 3 training tracks. where workshop submissions are congruent with training themes, we may invite workshop presenters to present as part of an overall training track.

Read more information about the training sessions here.

Full Panel Session: This presentation type is intended to be a discussion focused on one central theme or topic (category, issue, strategy) involving experts who can report on concrete work or insight. Each panel session should be comprised of an introduction to the topic (issue, strategy), a number of presentations on individual case study examples, and a final discussion and/or Q&A between the panelists and the audience. It is the responsibility of the submitter to find and organize both the presenters and the moderator. Your proposal is more likely to be accepted if you have identified your panelists and confirmed their ability to participate. (3 speakers + 1 moderator at most will receive the speaker rate)

Lightning Talk: The goal of a lightning talk is to present a case study, research report, or other information in a quick, insightful, and clear manner. SPLC will organize accepted lightning talks into 60-minute sessions consisting of several talks on a theme. Submitters who wish to coordinate with other presenters should submit a Full Panel Session proposal. (1 speaker at most will receive the speaker rate)

Innovation Accelerator Roundtable Presentation: These short presentations are delivered to a table of 8-10 participants and should focus on an innovative project, initiative, tool, or next/best practice, and be followed up by discussion. The idea is to expose the audience to something they can align their procurement with, or otherwise help accelerate. Each round of the Accelerator will be 30 minutes. The presenter can present for a maximum of 15 minutes before opening the floor to discussion. The presenter should be prepared to give their talk to two separate groups, as participants will switch tables after 30 minutes. Learn more about the Innovation Accelerator's purpose and format. (1 speaker at most will receive the speaker rate)

Please note that PowerPoint and slide advancers will be available for all Panel Sessions, Lightning Talks, and Interactive Workshops. PowerPoint support will not be available for Innovation Accelerator Roundtable Presentations, but you are welcome to use your personal laptop to show slides at your table.

If you have any questions, please reach out to