Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 162 days ago

SQLDay 2024

event starts

13 May 2024

event ends

15 May 2024


Centennial Hall Wrocław, Poland


SQLDay is the largest conference focused on Microsoft Data Platform – databases, Big Data, Business Intelligence and advanced data analysis.

The conference has been organized since 2009 by enthusiasts and professionals from all over the country operating within the Polish SQL Server User Group (PLSSUG).

Currently, the official organizer of the conference is Data Community Poland, under which the merits and successful conference supervised by experienced organizers of previous editions of the event.

finished 313 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 5:00 PM

30 Sep 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

15 Dec 2023

Call closes in Central European Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

The call for speaker is split into two parts:

Pre-con workshops - submissions until 30.11.2023

Breakthrough sessions - submissions until 15.12.2023.

All sessions are in person for speakers and in-person or online for attendees. We are planning 4-hour and 8-hour workshops and 60-minutes breakout sessions - all data related. Whether it is on-premises or in the cloud. ETL or AI. Architecture or database engine deep-dive. Programming or administration. All topics welcome.

For pre-con workshops, we prefer them to include hands-on labs.

all submitted sessions

publicly listed on this page


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers
318 submissions
Submitted sessions
Szymon Lasota
  • Monitorowanie i optymalizacja Azure SQL - długa droga do Database Watcher
  • Data Catalog - jak zrozumieć i zarządzać danymi z MS Purview
Bartek Wierzbicki, Sebastian Stulik
  • Challenges in managing Azure-based Data Platform
Artur Dalak
  • Analysis Services at Scale
Hubert Kobierzewski
  • Prototypowanie i zbieranie wymagań raportowych
  • Power BI Paginated Reports - the new life of SSRS
Pawel Potasinski, Bartlomiej Graczyk
  • Microsoft Fabric dla programistów SQL
Michał Sadowski
  • Chmura to nie tylko inna serwerownia. Dobre praktyki przy przenoszeniu danych do chmury.
Daniel Brański
  • Designing and implementing sales strategies in Power BI
Marek Maśko
  • Rozproszony Monolit: Wyzwania i Strategie w Dzieleniu Baz Danych dla Mikrousług
  • Jak mówić o danych
Tomasz Libera
  • Spark SQL dla deweloperów SQL Server
Roman Czarko-Wasiutycz
  • Holistyczne podejście do jakości danych
show all submissions
Damian Widera
  • Distributed Availability Groups na produkcji
  • Microsoft Fabric Semantic Link w zastosowaniach praktycznych
Damian Widera, Estera Kot, PhD
  • Jak użyć dbt w Microsoft Fabric
Kevin Chant, Sander Stad
  • Practical Azure DevOps for Data Platform professionals
  • Practical Azure DevOps for Data Platform professionals
  • GitHub database deployments workshop for Data Platform professionals
Gabi Münster, Mathias Thierbach
  • Microsoft Fabric CI/CD - What is there and what is coming?
Gabi Münster
  • Microsoft Fabric and Purview - a dream team?
  • Microsoft Fabric - What should you know coming from Power BI?
Chris Webb
  • What's new in Power Query in Power BI, Fabric and Excel?
  • Fabric Direct Lake Deep Dive
Bartlomiej Graczyk, Pawel Potasinski, Damian Widera, Hubert Kobierzewski, Jakub Wawrzyniak, Lukasz Grala, Maciej Rubczyński, Tomasz Libera, Estera Kot, PhD
  • Wykorzystanie Microsoft Fabric w obszarze przetwarzania i analizy danych w praktyce
Adrianna Szewczyk
  • Building Better BI: Why is the User always right and how we implement it in mObywatel
Wojciech Bukowski
  • End to End Data Factory Pipeline - How to dump data from SharePoint to Azure Data Lake
  • Medalion Architecture (Bronze, Silver, Gold) decoded in practice
Paweł Ekk-Cierniakowski
  • Analiza tekstu (nie)jedno ma imię
  • Prototypowanie rozwiązań z Azure OpenAI
  • LLMs - lessons learned
Jacek Nosal
  • Dlaczego wstydzisz się swoich map
  • Power BI - Top 10 gamechanger'ów ostatnich 4 kwartałów
  • Cóz tam Panie w polityce? vol.2023
  • Power BI. Przekraczając kolejne granice granic na mapach.
  • Power BI. Przygody z geolokalizacją.
  • Power BI. Azure Map. R U ready?
Greg Strzyminski
  • Co naprawdę potrafią nowe wizualizacje karty oraz fragmentora w Power BI?
  • Level up UX by leveraging advanced DAX
  • Automate data ingestion with custom Power Query functions
  • Simplify your DAX with window functions
  • Implementing VLS (Visual-Level Security) in Power BI
Emil Janik
  • How to enhance the adoption of Power BI in your organization?
Wojciech Bukowski, Adrian Chodkowski
  • Co SQL deweloper powinien wiedzieć o Delta Lake
Tomasz Kostyrka
  • Azure Data Platform as Code - can it be done it in less than a week?
  • Short-lived test environments with Snowflake Zero Copy Cloning
  • What if they took away SSDT?
James Serra
  • Deciphering Data Architectures (Modern Data Warehouse, Data Fabric, Data Lakehouse, Data Mesh)
Rune Ovlien Rakeie
  • Cloud DBAs new responsbilities - Network edition
  • Securing your data traffic with Private Networking in Azure
Tomasz Szreder
  • Incremental Refresh in Power BI - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
James Serra, Paul Andrew
  • Deciphering Data Architectures full-day workshop
Karol Witkowiak
  • Alerty w Power BI: Klucz do efektywnego zarządzania danymi!
Jacek Szostak
  • Co łączy La Ligę i Microsoft? Analiza danych w sporcie.
  • Co dalej z Bitcoinem? Analiza danych strumieniowych w czasie rzeczywistym przy użyciu Power BI
  • Let's go on a Tinder date! - Power BI w wizualizacji i analizie danych z aplikacji
Jakub Wawrzyniak, Lukasz Grala
  • Lakehouse i Data Mesh w Azure
  • Databricks Ninja: Performance tuning
  • OneLake – na przekór silosom danych!
Łukasz Balcerzak, Dominik Dębowski
  • Time intelligence w Power BI - dobre praktyki i pułapki
  • Old wine in a new bottle - Grupy obliczeniowe, Eksplorator modelu i widok DAX query w Power BI Deskt
  • Power BI Developer Mode - kontrola wersji i co-development dostępne out-of-the box
  • Modelowanie danych dla (średnio)zaawansowanych
  • Od „zera” do Power BI data modelera.
Dmytro Dragan
  • Geospatial analytics with Spark
  • Cloud Harmony: from GCP to AWS – A Multi-Cloud Journey
Beata Boraca, Martyna Sikorska
  • Azure Databricks - co z tymi kosztami?
Michał Szklarczyk, Krzysztof Sałamun
  • Zarządzanie dostępem do danych niejawnych w Unity Catalog
  • Databricks Unity Catalog - nowy wymiar zarządzania (meta)danymi
Tomasz Krawczyk
  • Data Governance z Databricks Unity Catalog - raport z wdrożenia
  • [PL] Data Lakehouse z Databricks - what's new?
Tomasz Gołaszewski
  • Azure DevOps - raportuj swoją pracę w PowerBI
  • DAX iterators
  • Log Analytics - zbieramy i analizujemy
  • All levels of securing data in PowerBI
  • PowerBI external tools
  • Azure DevOps - raportuj swoją pracę w PowerBI
Michał Ratajczyk
  • Bezpiecznie I mobilnie - ochrona aplikacji Power BI na urządzeniach mobilnych
  • Power BI Desktop Projects, kontrola wersji i automatyzacja wdrażania w usłudze Power BI
Jakub Wawrzyniak
  • Delta Sharing – sposób na bezpieczne udostępnianie danych
  • Is it architected.. well?
Grzegorz Łyp
  • DIY: T-SQL code analysis
  • Developing business logic applications with SQL Server
  • Contained Availability Groups (SQL 2022)
  • Execution Plans - from beginner to professional
  • Common Missing SQL Server Features Implemented as CLR Modules
Vitaliy Yonko
  • DB size reduce in MS SQL Server to optimize performance: Tips and Tricks
Timo Baier, Paul Andrew
  • Delivering Real World Actionable Finance P&L Dashboards in Power BI - Data Engineering to Analytics
Piotr Tybulewicz
  • Wprowadzenie do Azure Data Factory
  • Obsługa błędów w Azure Data Factory
  • Jak bezpiecznie połączyć się do Azure SQL DB z Azure Data Factory
  • Change data capture w Azure Data Factory
Adrian Kukiełka
  • Databricks Overwatch - how get in control
Bartlomiej Graczyk, Pawel Potasinski
  • Jak (nie)budować platformy danych w firmie, czyli fakty i mity oczami praktyków
Onyi Anyado
  • "The Era of Creative Distinction: How To Become an Agile, Disruptive and Future Thinking Tech Leader
Catalin Gheorghiu
  • Dude, what to do with the video cameras?
Maciej Rubczyński
  • Wdrażanie rozwiązań AI z Azure AI
  • Połącz Spark z AI - wzbogacanie danych z poziomu Fabric z wykorzystaniem Azure Open AI
  • Open source LLM z poziomu Databricks
Grzegorz Stolecki
  • Problemy z diamentami czyli meandry wizualizacji w Power BI
  • Skok w DAX dla tych co znają SQL
  • Modele danych w Power BI - koniec żartów i gaz do dechy!
Devang Shah, Henning Rauch
  • Solve bank robbery with Fabric Real-time Analytics
Devang Shah, Aviv Yaniv
  • Scale your business in real-time using ML in Microsoft Fabric Real-time Analytics
Elira Akimbaeva
  • AI in Business and the new trends
Michał Dębski
  • From Ugly Duckling to Hero: Power BI Governance and Adoption Made Right
Puneet Vijwani
  • Optimizing Delta Lake for Performance: Best Practices and Structured Streaming Integration
  • Leveraging Lakehouse on Fabric: Exploration of Incremental Load Strategies , Streams and API
Mariusz Kujawski
  • Budowa Platformy danych w Google Cloud Platfrom
  • "Legacy Migration" - Automatyzacja i wyzwania związane z migracją.
  • Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Budowa Platformy Danych
Ashish Rana
  • Everything Copilot - Transform business performance with Power Platform and Dynamics 365 Copilots
  • Introduction and technical deep dive into Sustainability industry cloud
Michał Gołoś
  • Snowflake - przegląd najnowszych funkcjonalności
  • Streamlit - szybki sposób na tworzenie i udostepnianie Data Apps
Karolina Dopierała, Mariusz Jarczak
  • Data Wars: Databricks vs. Microsoft Fabric - which one will meet the challenges better?
Djordje Jeremic
  • Data mobility scenarios enable every DBA, DEV and DEVOPS to achieve more with Azure SQL Managed Inst
  • Two-way data mobility between SQL Server and Azure SQL Managed Instance
Keren Kenzi
  • Channeling your inner tech blogger
Tomasz Kopacz
  • (Azure) Open AI - how to work with information not with data warehouse(s)
Mikey Bronowski
  • Gra o Kod: Tajemnice GitHub Copilot
  • DBCC CHECKDB: Niekończąca się historia - "daleko jeszcze"?
  • Azure OpenAI: Chodź, opowiem Ci historię
  • AutomatedLab - własne środowisko testowe
  • dbatools - sesja niespodzianka
Marcin Szeliga
  • Generatywna sztuczna inteligencja w IT- możliwości i zagrożenia
  • Generatywna Sztuczna Inteligencja dla zabieganych
Martynas Jočys
  • The 5 UX design principles which boost the quality of data products
  • From visualization to storytelling: creating a story-like experience in Power BI
Pavlo Golub
  • When elephants go right!
Arkadiusz Maciejowski
  • 2 Years with Databricks & 2 Years with Snowflake
Christian Henrik Reich
  • An Apache Spark query's journey through the layers of Databricks
  • An Apache Spark query's journey through the layers of Microsoft Fabric
Dinesh Priyankara
  • Real-Time Analytics with Microsoft Fabric: Unleashing the Power of Event Streams
  • [Workshop] Data Warehousing Made Easy: Microsoft Fabric in Action
Damian Widera, Hubert Kobierzewski
  • Współczesna architektura analityczna w Microsoft Fabric
Nanda Nainadurai
  • Introduction to Vector Databases. Going beyond the usual ChatGPT response.
Rui Carvalho
  • Elevating SQL Server Performance with Query Store Hints
  • Keep the Integrity of your Database with Azure SQL Ledger
  • Mastering Data Pipelines: Hands-On with Fabric Data Factory
Michael Bialik
  • Optimal selection of clustered indexes
  • Optimizing application indexes
Adrian Chodkowski
  • Implementing Azure Data Lakehouse at an Enterprise Scale
  • Microsoft Fabric - hidden gems
  • Delta Lake - rewolucyjny format składowania danych
  • Azure Databricks - zero to hero
Rafal Kraik, Mateusz Idaszewski
  • Zróbmy sobie bazkę - Azure i Terraform w akcji
Monica Rathbun, John Morehouse
  • Tales from the Field - How to Avoid Burnout
Monica Rathbun
  • Query Store: The simplest way to Troubleshooting Performance
  • SQL Unmasked: Scooby-Dooing the Art of Performance Troubleshooting"
  • Your Performance Tuning Check List
  • When to Choose Serverless Versus Fixed Size Resources
  • Performance Tuning Azure SQL Database
  • Mastering TempDB
Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz, Juan Moreno Romo
  • Leveraging OpenAI in SQL Server Database Management
  • Query Store, who is the fairest in the land?
  • PowerBI, DirectQuery and SQL Server. It is a good choice?
  • Mastering Elastic Database Pools: Best Practices and Troubleshooting from Microsoft Support
Dennes Torres
  • SQL Server In The Cloud
  • Chat with your data using OpenAPI
  • Microsoft Fabric end to end
  • SQL Server in the Cloud: The available options
  • Microsoft Fabric: Data Intelligence in a light speed
  • Azure SQL Networking Secrets
  • SQL Server 2022: Intelligent Query Processing new Features
  • SQL Server 2022: Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization
  • Real Time Intelligence with Microsoft Fabric
  • Git Source Control In Power BI and Fabric
  • Implementing Data Mesh with Microsoft Fabric
  • Chat with your data using OpenAI and Microsoft Fabric
Mariusz Wójcik, Tomasz Waloszek
  • [PL] Doskonalenie Zapytań w Świecie Baz Danych
Brian Bønk
  • Microsoft Fabric Real-Time Analytics
  • The Data Warehouse in Fabric
  • The Kusto experience in Fabric
  • From zero to Kusto hero at 30.000 ft
  • Flying High Amongst the Clouds with Fabric Warehouses
Dany Hoter
  • KQL database (aka Kusto) & Power BI integration
Avner Aharoni
  • KQL database and Kusto platform overview
Vijaykumar Jangamashetti
  • Migration Use Cases - Teradata to Google BigQuery (TD2BQ)
  • Unleashing the superpowers of data with Google Cloud: A phased approach to data modernization
  • Unlocking the Power of Generative AI with Google Cloud GenAI
  • Google BigQuery - Heart of Smart Analytics toolset on Google Cloud
Jolanta Garlacz, Andrea Martorana Tusa
  • The Holy Grail for a Power BI admin
  • Git Source Control and Deployment Pipelines – Yes, we tried it!
Ola Hallengren
  • SQL Server 2022 Performance Enhancements
Dr. Joe Perez
  • Leveraging Art and Science for Effective Data Storytelling: From Concept to Reality
  • Innovation Unleashed: Shaping the Post-COVID Future
  • From Notes to Numbers: Mastering Data Storytelling with Rhythm, Rhyme, and Rhetoric
  • Driving Decisions with Data: Delight or Disaster?
  • Bringing Data to L.I.F.E. and Life to Data
Johan Ludvig Brattås, Frank Geisler
  • Azure Data Explorer - the new star in your data platform
Johan Ludvig Brattås
  • An introduction to Snowflake - the data cloud
Jakub Wawrzyniak, Lukasz Grala, Maciej Rubczyński
  • GenAI w Fabric - end-to-end w jeden dzień
Akshay Dixit
  • Real-Time analytics on data ingested via open-source connectors in MS Fabric
Rudi Bruchez
  • Save The Date
  • ChatGPT is the best DBA sidekick
Aliaksandra Busel
  • Fantastic Databricks and How to Deal with It: Extended Capabilities, Syntax Surprises, and Pro Tips
Egor Tananaiko
  • Unlocking the Capabilities of AWS, DBT, and MS Power BI: EPAM Anywhere Data Platform Approach
Pragati Jain, Kevin Chant
  • DP-600 exam for Fabricators
  • DP-600 workshop in a day
Niko Neugebauer, Djordje Jeremic, Dr. Dani Ljepava
  • Navigating Azure SQL Managed Instance
Agnieszka Niezgoda
  • Data ❤ AI
Sander Stad, Brandon Leach
  • SQL Server Database Corruption Master Class
Sander Stad
  • Hacking and Hacking Mitigation For SQL Server
  • Saying no is OK
Chandan Chakraborty
  • Creating a Data Analytics Platform with IaC (Terraform / Bicep) from Azure DevOps
  • Microsoft Data Platform with Microsoft Fabric and Azure Databricks
Steve Campbell, Reid Havens
  • Upgrading Power BI Architecture
  • Enhancing Power BI Design for Financial Professionals
Paul Andrew
  • An Evolution of Data Architectures - Lambda, Kappa, Delta, Mesh & Fabric
  • An Engineers Guide To Realtime Data Handling And Analytics
  • An Introduction to Delta Lakes and Delta Lake-Houses
  • Building an Azure Data Analytics Platform End-to-End
  • Compute & Storage 101 – A Data Engineers Guide To Every Azure Resource
  • How Can Microsoft Fabric Have an Impact on Your Business?
  • Microsoft Data Integration Pipelines – The Fundamentals to Level 300
Reid Havens, Steve Campbell
  • Upgrading Power BI Datasets to Fabric's Lakehouse Architecture
  • Becoming a Master Builder: Creating the Ultimate Power BI Toolbox
Patrycja Deja
  • Grafana as a BI tool
Andrea Martorana Tusa, Jolanta Garlacz
  • The secret recipe for global implementation of Power BI
Andrea Martorana Tusa
  • Advanced semantic models refresh automation in Power BI
  • Azure Maps in Power BI. The endpoint for all your map visuals
  • Implement a Role Based Access Control model in Azure Synapse Analytics
Adam Mazouz
  • Accelerate SQL Server to Azure migration with Pure Cloud Block Store
Cezary Ołtuszyk
  • Azure SQL Database: zabezpieczmy nasze dane w chmurze
Michal Pardej
  • To partition or not to partition - that is the question
Miguel Félix
  • Demystifying Power BI Developer Mode for Business User
Miguel Félix, Pragati Jain
  • Navigating DAX complexity: how to make it easier for Power BI developers
Kevin Chant, Pragati Jain
  • Administration and governance tips for Microsoft Fabric
  • Microsoft Fabric and its place in the Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform
Alpa Buddhabhatti, Nagaraj Sengodan
  • From Concept to Creation: Innovative data and analytics platform
Alpa Buddhabhatti
  • Microsoft Fabric, Azure OpenAI, and Azure Prompt Flow: An Introductory Guide
  • ETL Excellence: Processing .zip Files in Microsoft Fabric Azure Data Factory
  • Data Quality Revolution : The Fabric-OpenAI Approach
Pragati Jain, Miguel Félix
  • Explore the Potential of Power BI Service: End-to-End Power BI Solution Cloud way
Kamil Nowinski
  • Azure Data Factory - Deployment challenges
Krystsina Kremianeuskaya
  • Deneb and Vega-Lite: The Secret Weapon for Custom Power BI Visuals
Pieter Vanhove
  • Data Encryption & Integrity: Innovations in Azure SQL
  • Confidential computing with Always Encrypted using enclaves
  • Bringing the Power of Blockchain to SQL with Ledger
Lars Andersen
  • External sharing with Fabric
  • Driving alerts and actions on your data
Erwin de Kreuk
  • Get started with a medallion architecture in Microsoft Fabric
  • Getting started with building your Azure Synapse environment
  • Onelake with Fabric, The Data Lake-as-a-Service Platform
  • Leveraging Microsoft Fabric with Existing Azure Data Services: Integration and Migration Strategies
  • Unleashing the Potential of Metadata-Driven ELT Framework
Maciej Dydejczyk, Jakub Świercz
  • Data platform engineering - Insights into building a Cloud Data Platform
Andrew Pruski
  • A deep dive into Docker
  • Disaster Recovery Strategies for SQL Server
  • Running SQL Server on Linux
  • A deep dive into Kubernetes
Paulina Jędrzejewska
  • Keep Calm and C# - Skryptowanie w Tabular Editor
  • Keep Calm and C# - Scripting in Tabular Editor
Olivier Van Steenlandt
  • Migrating from SSRS to Power BI Paginated Reports
  • Database Deployment Automation using Database Projects & Azure DevOps
  • Database Projects and Azure DevOps 101 - From Zero to Hero
Benni De Jagere
  • Keeping the "Direct" in Power BI DirectQuery
  • Low friction data transformation and data movement using Fabric Dataflows
  • Understanding Fabric Capacities
  • Star Schema ALL the things! But why?
  • Using Lakehouse Data at scale with Power BI, featuring Direct Lake mode
  • You're a Power BI Admin? Let's get your threads aligned for Fabric!
Torsten Strauß
  • Rapid SQL Database Development with SSDT Templates and Code Snippets
  • Memory-Optimized Tempdb Metadata in Microsoft SQL Server
  • Hash and non-clustered in-memory OLTP indexes
  • Extent and Page Management in Microsoft SQL Server
  • Defeat Page Latches in Azure SQL
  • Batch mode Adaptive Join in Azure SQL
  • Automatic Query Tuning in Azure SQL - Plan Correction
Injae Park
  • Generative AI for the Power BI Developer
Kevin Chant
  • Spreading your SQL Server wings with Microsoft Fabric
  • KevOps for Microsoft Fabric
Tomaž Kaštrun
  • Machine Learning with Microsoft Fabric
  • Applied Data Science with Azure Machine Learning in a day
Klaus Aschenbrenner
  • Running SQL Server on Linux
  • Myths and Misconceptions about Locking & Blocking
  • Docker for the SQL Server Developer
  • Latches, Spinlocks, and Lock Free Data Structures
  • Practical SQL Server Performance Troubleshooting
Joy Chatterjee
  • AI Model Management Life Circles : ML Ops For Generative AI Models From Research to Deployment
Ben Fistein
  • The future of search
Petr Starichenko
  • Unlocking SQL Optimization: Avoiding Common pitfalls in Development
Attila Toth
  • NoSQL vs. NewSQL: A Comparison of Distributed Database Systems
Hylke Peek
  • Microsoft Fabric Domains - First step towards a data mesh architecture
  • Govern your data in Fabric
  • Govern your Power BI environment
Štěpán Rešl
  • SVG path to better data storytelling possibilities
  • Personal Workspaces in times of Fabric
  • Lessons learnt from PySpark Notebooks and extracting APIs
  • Data-driven alerts in Power BI
  • Fabric Domains
  • API as a Source for Power Query
  • Level-Up your Power Query game with Custom Functions
David Postlethwaite, Gethyn Ellis
  • Top Ten Disasters we've dealt with in our time as DBAs
  • What you can do to protect your SQL Server and why it matters
Thomas Hütter
  • 50 ways to show your data
  • From SQL to KQL via Azure Data Explorer
Mike Conjoice
  • Unlocking Data's True Potential: Navigating the Path to Real Business Value
  • Unraveling the Complexity of AI Bias: Can Artificial Intelligence Ever Achieve True Neutrality?
John Martin
  • Up and Running with Terraform
  • Integrating API Sources into your Data Lake with ADF, Synapse, and Fabric Pipelines
  • The Swiss Cheese Security Pattern
Uwe Ricken
  • Simplify data management with partitioning
  • Partitioning in Microsoft SQL Server
  • User Definied Functions – From SQL 2000 – SQL 2022
  • Improve Your Skills as a Database Developer for SQL Server
  • Security techniques for cross database access
  • How to properly handle LOB data in SQL Server
  • Compare T-SQL with PostgreSQL
Erwin de Kreuk, Mathias Halkjaer
  • Designing and managing a cost-effective data platform in Azure Synapse Analytics
Erwin de Kreuk, Mathias Halkjaer, Marc Lelijveld
  • Microsoft Fabric Deep Dive Workshop wth 3 MVP's
Reid Havens
  • Achievement Unlocked - Upgrading Your Visuals and Reports
  • Thriving with ADHD in Tech: Unleashing the Data Analyst Superpowers Within
  • Curating the User Experience: A Chef's K.I.S.S to Reporting
  • Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Models and Reports: Lessons from the Trenches
  • Upgrading Power BI Datasets to Fabric's Lakehouse Architecture
  • Becoming a Master Builder: Creating the Ultimate Power BI Toolbox