Call for Speakers

SQLSaturday Pittsburgh

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 11 days ago

SQLSaturday Pittsburgh

event starts

11 Oct 2024

event ends

12 Oct 2024


Commonwealth Charter Academy Homestead, Pennsylvania, United States

Pittsburgh SQLSaturday returns for 2024! We have a new home in the heart of Homestead, PA. Our first event since COVID is shaping up to be a great time had by all. Join us on October 12th for a free full day of training focused around the Microsoft Data Platform. Are you interested in furthering your skill set in Business Intelligence, Analytics, SQL Server, and other data related areas? Admittance is free, however if you would like a lunch provided, the fee is $15. Please register soon, as seating is limited. Let your friends/colleagues know about the event!

Why attend? This is a great opportunity to learn from SQL Server experts, Microsoft MVP's, SQL Server Authors, and Professionals who have been through and can relate to the obstacles you have day to day. This one day training event is unlike any other providing food, training, and networking.  

finished 52 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Jul 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Aug 2024

Call closes in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-04:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

All sessions are of the 60 minute format. Topics under consideration are all aspects of the Microsoft Data Platform and adjacent technologies regardless of where they run, as well as career growth and development topics.

Below is the code of conduct which, by submitting, you are agreeing to should you be chosen. It will be enforced with no exceptions.

Code of conduct

By submitting to speak this event, should you be chosen you agree to all aspects of this code of conduct.

In all of our interactions, we aspire to embody and champion the below values:

Be Friendly and Welcoming

Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences.

Ask yourself how you can make someone else’s life easier.

Be Patient

Remember that people have varying communication styles and preferences.

Recognize that not everyone is using their native language (meaning and tone can be lost in translation).

Be Thoughtful

Think about how others will interpret your words – productive, clear communication requires effort!

Remember that sometimes it is best to refrain entirely from commenting.

Be Respectful and Inclusive

Respect differences of opinion.

Seek to build bridges and understand, not condemn or criticize.

Make a conscious effort to include people who differ from you.

Be Open and Curious

Assume good intent and interpret others’ statements or questions in good faith.

Ask questions to understand, not denounce.

Focus on continuous learning - get better at the things you already know, tackle completely new things, and ask others about their expertise to deepen yours

No discrimination or harassment.

Pittsburgh SQLSaturday iscommitted to providing a harassment-free experience to Program participants regardless of age, ancestry, color, gender identity or expression, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical size, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or technology choices. Harassment is unwelcome verbal, physical, or virtual behavior based on the characteristics identified above.

No sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is unwelcome verbal, physical or virtual behavior based on sex and includes gender-based harassment of a person of the same or different gender. Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:

• Unwelcome sexual advances

• Sexual comments or inappropriate gender-based jokes

• Excessive, unwelcome romantic attention

• Offering or conditioning an employment benefit or preferential treatment, like a promotion or job assignment, in exchange for sexual favors

• Unwelcome physical contact

• Sharing or displaying sexually explicit content

• Using sexually degrading words

In Summary:

Treat everyone with respect, kindness, and empathy.

Use welcoming and inclusive language.

Be thoughtful in how you communicate in person and online.

Don’t be destructive or inflammatory.

Gracefully accept constructive criticism.

Listen with purpose, create space for communication preferences; honor them by shifting to accommodate.

Violators whether they be sponsor, speaker, or attendee will be asked to leave the event with no refund. If necessary your employer and/or law enforcement will be contacted

event fee

free for speakers