!!!!! Hey speakers - Looking for Stir Trek 2024's Call for Speakers? Go here: https://sessionize.com/stir-trek-2024/ !!!!!
Stir Trek 2023 will take place at the AMC Easton Town Center 30 on Friday, May 5th. We'll be at the same great location we have been for the past few years! We will notify selected speakers around March 5th.
What is Stir Trek?
Stir Trek is a one-day conference focused on teaching software developers, and others in the industry, the latest and greatest in technologies, techniques, and tools. The full day of content is always concluded with a screening of a blockbuster film on its opening day. Pretty sweet, huh?
How long are Sessions?
Sessions are 60 minutes long. You can use all 60 minutes for content or save the last 5-10 for questions if you'd prefer.
Is Travel Covered?
We have very limited funds this year so speaker travel reimbursement will be on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us at speakers@stirtrek.com if you have questions.
Is There a Code of Conduct?
Yes! We want Stir Trek to be open and awesome to everyone. Please take a look at our policies and email us at codeofconduct@stirtrek.com if you have questions that aren't answered.
Our Code of Conduct is here: https://stirtrek.com/info/codeofconduct/
Our Commitment to Diversity is here: https://stirtrek.com/info/commitmenttodiversity/
Our Anti-Harassment Policy is here: https://stirtrek.com/info/antiharassmentpolicy/
Stir Trek 2023 talks will be in person in Columbus, OH on May 5th, 2023.
What types of topics should be submitted?
We welcome any sessions relevant to the members of our community; software developers make up the majority of our attendees but we also have members who work in product management, business analysis, quality assurance, data, UX and many other related fields.
We don't have a fixed track schedule but for review purposes we categorize sessions as: