Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 483 days ago

Subsurface LIVE 2023

event starts

1 Mar 2023

event ends

2 Mar 2023



Subsurface LIVE is the industry’s premier cloud data lake conference, featuring some of the most exciting, innovative speakers and open source projects propelling today’s cloud data lake ecosystem.

Past events have brought together more than 15,000 data engineers, architects, and scientists. Our past events have featured speakers from leading technology companies like Apple, Netflix, LinkedIn, Lyft, Uber, Adobe, AWS, Microsoft, and Wayfair plus the original creators of Apache Arrow, Project Nessie, Apache Iceberg, Apache Parquet, Pandas, and more.

finished 593 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 1:00 AM

15 Aug 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

11 Nov 2022

Call closes in Pacific Standard Time (UTC-08:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We’ve opened the call for presenters, and we’re looking for members of the data lake community to share their experience and expertise building modern cloud data lakes as well as key open source technologies such as Apache Iceberg, Apache Arrow, Apache Spark, and more.

If you have an interesting story to tell, whether it’s a success or a failure you learned an important lesson from, sharing your experience can have a real impact on the community.

Call for speakers closes on November 1 at 11:59pm PT!

Benefits of Submitting

Speaking at an event like Subsurface can be great for your career, the community and for your company. Here’s why:

  1. It’s great for your career. Presenting on the great work you’re doing and demonstrating your presentation skills sets you apart from your peers and helps build your personal brand. It makes the community aware of the valuable work you’re doing and shows you can deliver influential talks and engage an audience. Even if you’re not actively seeking career advancement, speaking at conferences can open doors you never knew existed.
  2. It’s great for the community. By sharing your knowledge and expertise with peers, you help make the data lake community stronger as well as the communities’ surrounding projects. A stronger community means higher-quality and more innovative contributions, content, and collaborations — a win-win for everyone.
  3. It benefits your company. Presenting at industry conferences like Subsurface is a fantastic way to promote your company and the great work your team is doing. It’s also useful for positioning your company as a thought leader and for recruiting top talent, as it provides a mechanism to showcase the innovative ways your company is leveraging cloud data lake technologies.

Of course, you’ll also receive awesome swag, courtesy of Dremio and the other Subsurface sponsors.

Learn More

Check out the sessions from past Subsurface LIVE events for more insights into the content.

If you need help with your submission or just want to talk about your idea, feel free to reach out to us at

event fee

free for speakers