Call for Speakers

Svelte Summit Fall 2021

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,206 days ago

Svelte Summit Fall 2021

event date

20 Nov 2021



Svelte Summit is an event dedicated to Svelte and everything that is happening in the community. The event will be a day of (exclusive) pre-recorded talks streamed online, syndicated on various platforms including YouTube. Specific discussions about the talks and water-cooler chit-chat will be happening live in the Svelte Discord server.

Everyone is welcome, to attend and submit a talk. Svelte Summit reflects the wider Svelte community as an inclusive and supportive space for people to learn and make friends.

All attendees and speakers are expected to treat each-other kindly and with respect.

finished 1,225 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

04 Sep 2021

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Oct 2021

Call closes in W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Who can submit a talk?

We welcome anyone who wants to share their experience with Svelte to submit a talk to Svelte Summit - Newbies and Experts alike. All we ask is that you respect our Code of Conduct.

Support for new speakers

Want to give a talk, but don't know how? Our team is happy to support you in improving your talk once it's been submitted - we don't bite!

How do we decide which talks are accepted?

The team will be asking the following questions when reviewing submissions:

  • Will the Svelte Community find this topic interesting?
  • Is this topic unique? (across all submissions - we don't want 20 talks on Svelte-Kit...)
  • Is the speaker keen to make the talk the best it can be?
  • All talks are decided on anonymously. Nothing but the talk itself is taken into consideration.

Talk formats

We are accepting submissions for two formats:

  • Lightning talk - shorter is better, up to 10 minutes (we recommend 5)
  • Full talk - up to 25 minutes

What should you talk about?

Want to give a talk, but not sure what to talk about? We've put together a list of topics we think the Svelte community will find interesting below. This is by no means exhaustive - we look forward to being surprised with topics not in this list.

Does Svelte Scale?

- Testing

- Internationalization

- Deploying

- a11y

Developer Experience

- Testing

- Svelte Kit

- Analytics

- Tools/Libraries/Components

- Theming/styling

- Abstractions (strategies for deciding how you would do things in Svelte)

- How to bridge from X to Svelte? Migrations (Sapper & SSR)

- Application state management

Language Features

- Actions

- Custom Stores

Svelte in production

- What are you using Svelte for?

- Embedded software

- Embedding Svelte in other apps

- Svelte Native

Visual stuff

- Dataviz

- Animations