Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 842 days ago

Swift Heroes 2022

event starts

7 Apr 2022

event ends

8 Apr 2022


Turin, Italy


The International Swift Conference

7 - 8 April 2022

Swift Heroes is a two day event hosted both live in-person and also live online, addressing the hottest Swift topics.

We’re excited to once again be putting this international, interactive event into the market and we're looking for fresh talent to bring the agenda alive! 

We encourage speakers from all backgrounds to submit a paper for Swift Heroes. If you want to share the Swift Heroes opportunity with someone in your network, please send them this link today.

finished 892 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

13 Dec 2021

Call closes at 11:59 PM

16 Feb 2022

Call closes in W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

The conference agenda is constructed hand-in-hand with a committee of Swift developers to ensure that the content is super relevant, useful and interesting.

The speaker line up is a combination of invited speakers and selected speakers from the call-for-papers platform, with the aim of bringing the brightest minds to the stage.

About the call-for-papers process

Call-for-papers opens: 13 December

Call-for-papers closes: 13 February

Agenda announced: 7 March.

Stay tuned on:

Once all papers have been submitted they will be reviewed by the Swift Heroes agenda committee and selected speakers will be notified.

Important information

Complete the form with requested information.

Make sure you clearly communicate your idea.

We recommend session titles that clearly explain the content of your presentation. Abstract titles are cute but they don't help the audience (or us) understand what you want to address.

The Committee prefer new (never presented in public) sessions.

When completing the proposal please keep the audience in mind: what will they learn, what's new & innovative about your proposal, who is your presentation specifically relevant for (e.g beginners/ pros).

We strongly encourage you to include links to videos/ slide decks/ documents that support your proposal. This will help us understand your past speaking experience and the content of your proposal. 

all submitted sessions

publicly listed on this page
70 submissions
Submitted sessions
Luca Milani
  • Introducing DMA
Gaetano Matonti
  • Modern Collection Views by Example
Davide Repetto
  • Property Wrappers to the rescue!
Samuele Perricone, Alessia Botta, Pietro Santececca
  • Bluetooth + Swift: It's a Match!
Atanas Chanev
  • Swift Mobile DevOps
Jane Bondar
  • UI/UX basics for iOS developers
Krzysztof Zabłocki
  • Improving developer experience through tools and techniques
Giovanni Catania
  • Refactoring ReSwift applications in order to make them modular
Marco Eidinger
  • Build powerful tools with SwiftSyntax
Paweł Łopusiński
  • iPad Testing
  • Obscure Swift - non obvious aspects of Swift and magic behind them
show all submissions
Josh Holtz, Maddie Beyl
  • Building your app and business around StoreKit
Mayank Gupta
  • Building Live Audio Conferencing iOS App
Navati Jain
  • Light up your iOS apps with Firebase Firestore!
Christian Braun
  • Senior developer: What's next?
Marco Foschiano
  • Digital Health Development in iOS
Adam Rush
  • Becoming a successful technical leader
  • Using MetricKit to monitor your app performance
Tiago Gomes Pereira, Moritz Philip Recke, Giovanni Monaco
  • Developing on the iPad: From idea to App Store
Moritz Philip Recke, Tiago Gomes Pereira, Giovanni Monaco
  • Rebuilding UIKit apps in SwiftUI
Giovanni Monaco, Moritz Philip Recke, Tiago Gomes Pereira
  • Building custom Airtable interfaces with SwiftUI
Marcin Krzyzanowski
  • TextKit2 is about to make text easier
Carola Nitz
  • A/Bout Testing
Alessandro Chiarotto, Aleksandar Gotev
  • Embrace the evolution of a product, mindset and tools for a domain/test driven development approach
Mohammad Azam
  • Building Server Driven UI in iOS
Denyse Drummond-Dunn
  • Why You Should Risk Making The Great Resignation Your Greatest Revelation
Franklin Byaruhanga
  • Flying Through Xcode Clouds – Apple's CI/CD platform. ✈️
Jorge D. Ortiz Fuentes
  • Bits and Pieces of a Great Architecture
  • Tell me quando - implementing feature flags
  • Hands On Implementation of an Advanced Architecture for iOS
  • Universal Apps with SwiftUI
Raul Menezes
  • SwiftUI in Production - How we managed to migrate our Home Screen to SwiftUI
Firas Safa
  • UserDefaults unlocked
  • Remove Your Xcode Workspace From Git
  • Swift Everywhere
Najeeb Khan
  • Creating Belonging in Remote Teams
John O'Reilly
  • The ever increasing convergence of native iOS and Android mobile development
Felipe Espinoza
  • Experiences building testable UI with SwiftUI
Manuel Carrasco Molina
  • Why Every Developer Should Care About the Environment
Shai Mishali
  • From noobie to maintainer, or: "How working on Open Source made me a better developer?"
  • A crash course of async/await (Swift Concurrency)
Franco Meloni, Gianluca Zuddas
  • Formalise your Pull Request etiquette with Danger Swift
Zach Brass
  • Localization for Beginnermediates
Tim Condon
  • Building Swift Packages in VSCode
  • Getting started with Vapor workshop
  • Server-Side Swift in an asynchronous world
Peter Friese
  • Building a developer blog with Publish
  • Building SwiftUI Components
Peter Friese, Charlotte Liang
  • 🍏 + 🔥 = ❤️ (Firebase for Apple developers)
Anna Zharkova
  • Easy coding with code generation and templates
  • ServerDriven SwiftUI. Managing declarative UI
  • SwiftUI. Tricky solutions with navigation in app
Francesco Novelli
  • Just release it
Jeroen Leenarts, Amos Gyamfi
  • Secondary skills as a developer
Rudrank Riyam
  • The Misery of Manual Builds and How to Solve it
  • Is Testing for macOS App Fun?
Diego Freniche Brito
  • Let's build macOS CLI Utilities using Swift!
  • DocC: Apple’s new Documentation Compiler
Pascal Ambrosini
  • Algorithms and Data Structures in Swift
Roman Mirzoyan
  • Best from both worlds. Building a UIKit Coordinator for SwiftUI views
Tunde Adegoroye
  • Keeping things Modular with Swift Package Manager
Mihaela MJ
  • Headless networking
Jeroen Leenarts, Martin Mitrevski, Stefan Blos
  • Add a full featured chat experience to you app in hours
Jeroen Leenarts, Martin Mitrevski
  • Building and launching a modern SwiftUI SDK
Andrew Morgan
  • Making Xcode's SwiftUI Previews work for you
  • From Zero to Mobile Developer in 60 Minutes With SwiftUI
Emilio Peláez
  • SwiftUI: Error Handling using the View Hierarchy
  • Scaling your SwiftUI app without breaking the Preview Canvas
emin grbo
  • How an Egg Timer App got me every job interview
Devlin Duldulao
  • Deploying Swift apps using the Free GitHub Actions