Call for Speakers

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finished 273 days ago

#TampaCC 2023

event date

28 Oct 2023


Keiser University Tampa, Florida, United States

#TampaCC 2023 is here!

Our Code Camp numbers keep growing with each year/event! Well, it is time to kick off our grassroots effort again.

It is excellent news for our Tampa IT community and beyond! Florida is the place to be! Our host, Keiser, is super excited about hosting our annual Code Camp, and please make sure to let us know how things go this year! Tampa Code Camp is a FREE event for all Tampa IT peeps! We have many new sponsors on board this year and our great sponsors and friends from years past. 

We look forward to seeing everyone at our fantastic event at the end of October. If anyone has any questions, concerns, ideas, or want to chat, please get in touch with us!

We love to hear from you!

finished 284 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

21 Aug 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

16 Oct 2023

Call closes in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-04:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

When the future is in the cloud, we must rise to meet it.

#TampaCC 2023 is on the horizon, and we’re searching for pioneering minds who can light up our stage. We are dedicated to creating a transformative and immersive event that dives deep into the realms of cloud-based technologies. This is an exclusive invitation for developers, architects, security professionals, and visionary leaders to showcase their knowledge, share groundbreaking techniques, and pave the way for the next generation of cloud innovation.


An expected gathering of technical and non-technical participants comprising developers, architects, security professionals, and industry leaders from around the globe.

Session Specifics

Duration: Each session will be 50 minutes long, including a Q&A segment.

Format: Talks, interactive workshops, and panel discussions.

Topics of Interest Include But Are Not Limited To

Core Cloud Technologies: Advanced techniques, new platforms, and innovative solutions.

Cloud Security: Best practices, advancements, and ethical considerations.

Architectural Design: Modular structures, hybrid environments, and evolutionary patterns.

Development & Deployment: CI/CD pipelines, serverless computing, container orchestration.

Soft Skills: Communication in tech, leadership in cloud projects, diversity & inclusion in the cloud sector, and effective team collaboration strategies.

What We’re Looking For

Expertise: Hands-on experience, deep knowledge, and a passion for cloud technologies.

Engagement: Ability to captivate, enlighten, and educate a diverse audience.

Innovation: Fresh perspectives, transformative solutions, and a touch of the unexpected.

Storytelling: Those who can narrate their journey, share personal experiences, and inspire through relatable tales.

Benefits of Speaking

Engage with an audience of peers, enthusiasts, and potential collaborators.

Amplify your voice and position yourself as a thought leader in the cloud domain.

Network with industry leaders, potential partners, and clients.

Ready to ascend and share your insights amidst the clouds? Join us at #TampaCC 2023 and help shape the future!

#TampaCC 2023 – Where Innovation Ascends and Ideas Soar.